This repo contains a list of disposable and temporary email address domains often used to register dummy users in order to spam/abuse some services.
Originally collected to filter new user registration at and later merged with other lists found online. I cannot guarantee all of these can still be considered disposable but they probably were at one point in time.
The file whitelist.conf gathers email domains that are often identified as disposable but in fact are not.
blacklist = ('disposable_email_blacklist.conf')
blacklist_content = [line.rstrip() for line in blacklist.readlines()]
if email.split('@')[1] in blacklist_content:
message = "Please enter your permanent email address."
return (False, message)
return True
PHP contributed by @txt3rob and @deguif
function is_temp_mail($mail) {
$mail_domains_ko = file('disposable_email_blacklist.conf', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
//Need to ensure the mail contains an @ to avoid undefined offset
return in_array(explode('@', $mail)[1], $mail_domains_ko);
Feel free to create PR with additions or request removal of some domain (with reasons).
$ cat disposable_email_blacklist.conf your_file | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort -f | uniq -i > new_file.conf
$ comm -23 new_file.conf whitelist.conf > disposable_email_blacklist.conf
to add contents of another file in the same format (only second level domains on new line without @). It also converts uppercase to lowercase, sorts, removes duplicates and removes whitelisted domains.
7/27/16 - Converted all domains to the second level. This means that starting from this commit the implementers should take care of matching the second level domain names properly i.e. @xxx.yyy.zzz
should match yyy.zzz
in blacklist more info in #46