SVG embedder for
npm install -g git+
# alternatively, with yarn
yarn global add
- Window titles
- Embed custom fonts (ttf, otf) [useful in the case of embedding powerline/nerd fonts]
- Multiple font files
- Move icons (close, minimize, maximize) to the right side of the window.
- Window icon darken on hover (doesn't work behind
tags like on GitHub) - Customize window icon order
- Embed custom CSS
- Handle filestreams and
Since this script just embeds the files you give it along with some SVG patches, the filesize is incremental and can be really large in some cases. Try using lightweight versions of fonts you embed. Or create custom fonts with the glyphs you need.
Depending on your browser and internet connection, the fonts might take a little while to load.
$ svgembed --help
svgembed (c) 2020 Miraculous Owonubi <>
Usage: svgembed [options]
-i, --input <VALUE> the input SVG file
-o, --output <VALUE> the output file name
-f, --font <VALUE> fontfile to be embedded (otf/ttf)
-t, --title [VALUE] set terminal window title (default: "Terminal")
-r, --right use right-sided window icons
-v, --hover dim window icons on hover
--overwrite overwrite existing output
--h, --help output usage information
svg-term --in media/demo --out demo.svg --window --term konsole --width 78
- Input Size:
52.10 KiB
- Output Size:
501.62 KiB
svgembed -i demo.svg -o final.svg -r -f nerd_fonts.ttf -t "svgembed is cool" --hover
- Input Size:
501.62 KiB
- Font: Fira Code Nerd Font, Regular (
1007.0 KiB
) - Title:
"svgembed is cool"
- Icon position:
- On hover:
(view the raw SVG to see this) - Output Size:
1844.76 KiB
: <string>: The font to be embedded, if any.title
: <string>: The window title to be used, if any.right
: <boolean>: Whether or not to move window icons to right side.hover
: <boolean>: Whether or not to dim window icons on hover.
: <string>: string representation of the SVG file.config
: <config>
: <string>: string representation of the SVG file.config
: <config>
Apache 2.0 © Miraculous Owonubi (@miraclx) <>