Autumn is a basic, spring-inspired dependency injection framework for Go. It's a work in progress, but some baseline functionality is there:
- Structure tag name-based wiring
- Singleton leaves (analogous to Spring Beans)
- Circular dependency resolution
- Self-injection of leaves
Naturally, there's lots to do:
- Function based construction (similar to Springs
constructors) Prototype
scope leavesPostConstruct
ordering- Intelligent type-based wiring
Before jumping into usage, let's define some terms:
- A leaf is a singleton structure pointer. You can think of it as a SpringBean
. It has 3 properties:- a name, used to wire it into other leaves. This can be set with
, or by assigning a name when adding the leaf to a tree. - an optional
function, which is called when dependencies have been resolved. - an optional
function, which is called when the tree is "chopped" (stopped).
- a name, used to wire it into other leaves. This can be set with
- A tree contains a list of leaves, and does the heavy lifting when resolving dependencies.
So, let's say you define a leaf like so:
package leaves
type FirstLeaf struct {
SecondLeaf *SecondLeaf `autumn:"SecondLeaf"`
func (f *FirstLeaf) GetLeafName() string {
return "FirstLeaf"
func (f *FirstLeaf) PostConstruct() {
fmt.Println("First constructed, f.SecondLeaf is not nil here")
func (f *FirstLeaf) PreDestroy() {
fmt.Println("First destroyed")
And a second one:
package leaves
type SecondLeaf struct {
FirstLeaf *FirstLeaf `autumn:"FirstLeaf"`
func (s *SecondLeaf) GetLeafName() string {
return "SecondLeaf"
func (s *SecondLeaf) PostConstruct() {
fmt.Println("Second constructed, s.FirstLeaf is not nil here")
func (s *SecondLeaf) PreDestroy() {
fmt.Println("Second destroyed")
You can now wire them together:
package leaves
first := &FirstLeaf{}
second := &SecondLeaf{}
tree := autumn.NewTree()
// You can now resolve the dependencies. Once this operation completes, first.SecondLeaf will point to second. and
// second.FirstLeaf will point to first. Because of the order in which these were added, "First constructed" will be
// printed first, followed by "Second constructed"
// You can also set the leaf name while adding it, which overrides the leaf name defined in the structure. Note that if
// you add the leaf twice this way, its PostConstruct() function will be called twice. To avoid this, use an alias as
// described below
tree.AddNamedLeaf("AnotherFirst", first)
// To kill all the leaves in the tree, call Chop(). This is useful when gracefully shutting down an application, and
// gives each leaf a chance to clean up after itself. Post destruct for each leaf will be called once, in reverse
// resolve order
You can also add aliases to leaves, which are alternate names for the same leaf object. For example, lets say you define your leaves like so:
package leaves
type FirstLeaf struct {
SecondLeaf *SecondLeaf `autumn:"second"`
type SecondLeaf struct {
FirstLeaf *FirstLeaf `autumn:"someOtherName"`
and your tree like so:
package leaves
// Construct the instances
first := &FirstLeaf{}
second := &SecondLeaf{}
// Add them to the tree
tree := autumn.NewTree()
tree.AddNamedLeaf("first", first)
tree.AddNamedLeaf("second", second)
// Add an alias to the first leaf. The first leaf will now be accessible as "first" or "someOtherName"
tree.AddAlias("first", "someOtherName")
The dependencies will be correctly resolved when the tree is grown, and the FirstLeaf.PostConstruct()
will only be called
once (if present).
To configure a tree, use the Configure
package leaves
// Construct a new configuration object
config := autumn.NewConfig().
TagName("autumn"). // The tag name to use
LeafNameMethod("GetLeafName"). // The name of the function to call to get the leaf name - must be public
PostConstructMethod("PostConstruct"). // The name of the function to call when dependencies are resolved - must be public
PreDestroyMethod("PreDestroy") // The name of the function to call when the tree is chopped - must be public
// And apply it to the tree
tree := autumn.NewTree().Configure(config)