Data Structures and Algorithms in TypeScript.
- Data Structures
- Array
- Linked List
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Circular Linked List
- Multi-Level Linked List
- Skip List
- Stack
- Queue
- Tree
- Graph
- Hash Table
- Heap
- Max-Heap
- Min-Heap
- Trie
- Set
- Map (Associative Arrays)
- Searching
- Sorting
$ npm install
$ npm test # Run all the tests using NPM
$ npm test -- --runInBand # Run all the tests in a single process using NPM
$ npx jest # Run all the tests
$ npx jest --runInBand # Run all the tests in a single process
$ npx jest ./src/example.test.ts # Run the specified test
$ npm install -g ts-node
$ ts-node --esm ./src/sorting/bubble_sort/bubbleSort.ts