note Alpha Release
This is still very early and unfinished. Please report issues.
This plug adds support for using the pomodoro technique in SilverBullet.
- The standard work/short break/long break timers
- Pause/Reset/Skip buttons for the timer
- The ability to select a task from SilverBullet for tracking during that time
- It automatically saves your pomodoro iterations, so you can query them like other SilverBullet items!
Use the Plugs: Add
command and enter this: github:mirdaki/silverbullet-pomodoro/pomodoro.plug.js
- Open up the Pomodoro timer panel with the
🍅 Pomodoro: Toggle Panel
command (Ctrl-Alt-z
by default) - Choose a task to work on with the
🍅 Pomodoro: Choose Task
command (Ctrl-Alt-c
by default) - Click start and get working!
- Stop when the work timer ends. Click the break timer then, blink, drink water, go for a walk, etc
- Repeat. Get things done, give yourself grace, enjoy!
Query to see daily stats:
item where "pomodoro" in itags and date = "2024-09-27" order by pomodoroType desc render [[Library/Personal/Query/Pomodoro Day]]
Template to display daily stats:
* {{#if pomodoroType = "work"}}**{{iteration}}** for “{{name}}“ {{#if taskRef}}[[{{taskRef}}]]{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#if pomodoroType = "shortBreak"}}**{{iteration}}** Short Break{{#if iteration > 1}}s{{/if}}{{/if}}{{#if pomodoroType = "longBreak"}}**{{iteration}}** Long Break{{#if iteration > 1}}s{{/if}}{{/if}}
This plug has some optional configuration that can be set in SETTINGS
# Determines where the panel is displayed:
# - "lhs" - left hand side
# - "rhs" - right hand side
position: rhs
# Must be > 0.
# position = "lhs" | "rhs": determines the width of the panel.
size: .4
# The query to use to get tasks listed by the `🍅 Pomodoro: Choose Task` command.
taskQuery: task where done = false
# The audio file to play when the timer ends. Defaults to not playing.
audioAlertPath: ""
# The time in minutes for a work session.
workTime: 25
# The time in minutes for a short break.
shortBreakTime: 5
# The time in minutes for a long break.
longBreakTime: 30
# The number of work sessions before a long break.
countForLongBreak: 4
# The page to use to store pomodoro data.
- SilverBullet, for being an awesome and hackable piece of software
- SilverBullet TreeView plug, for being a good reference as this was built