Boutique Milan is a simple online boutique website powered by ReactJS.
You can visit the website by clicking here.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ #clone pj-boutique.
$ cd pj-boutique
$ npm / yarn install
$ npm / yarn start
- Install gh-pages
npm install / yarn add gh-pages
- Setup
homepage: https://[your user name][repository name]/
in package.json - Setup
"predeploy": "npm run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
in "scripts" of package.json - Run:
$ npm run deploy
$ npm / yarn build
$ npm / yarn run deploy
- Integrate frontend with backend
- Form validation with Redux
- Animation
- storage for the images
- labels on each item
- UX/UI design need
Code is open sourced under the MIT license.