Software Engineering 2 Project, 2017/2018
Politecnico di Milano
Authors: Cassarino Pietro, Salaris Mirko, Ventrella Piervincenzo
- Problem assignment: Project assignment.pdf
- Deliverables: you can look into Deliverables folder for both the RASD and the DD
- Alloy modeling file: RASD/alloy.als
$ tree --dirsfirst -nF -L 2
├── DD/
│ ├── latex/
│ ├── snippets/
│ └── UMLdiagrams/
├── Deliverables/
│ ├── DDv1.0.pdf*
│ ├── RASDv1.0.pdf*
│ └── RASDv2.0.pdf*
├── Presentation files/
│ ├── Presentation.pdf*
│ ├── Presentation.pptx*
├── RASD/
│ ├── latex/
│ ├── snippet/
│ ├── UMLdiagrams/
│ ├── alloy.als*
│ ├── custom_theme.thm*
│ └── final_model.xml*
├── Project assignment.pdf*