My i3wm configuration files inspired by Gruvbox colorscheme for Vim. This configuration assumes a fresh install of the i3 community distribution of Manjaro, but might work on other Linux distributions (not tested).
For these configs to work one needs to have the following installed:
- feh to set the desktop background.
- polybar for the status bar.
- rofi as an app launcher and clipboard manager.
- termite, the default terminal application.
- dunst to display notifications.
- morc_menu for a simple application menu.
- zsh with oh-my-zsh for the default shell.
- vim for the default text editor.
- tmux to create as many terminals as you like.
- oomox to generate and edit the theme.
- compton, a lightweight compositor for X.
Polybar is mostly used with builtin modules, but the configuration also includes some custom modules or scripts:
- diskio
- filesystem
- packages
- ram-memory
- trash
- wlan-dbm