This based on php:7.4-fpm but with additional apps. I made this to be compatible with Laravel 8.x.
- PHP 7.4.x
- NodeJS 14.x LTS
- cURL
- git
- composer 2.x
- imagick
- mcrypt
- pdo_mysql
- gmp
- xml
- gd
- zip
- phpunit/phpunit
- phing/phing
- sebastian/phpcpd
- phploc/phploc
- phpmd/phpmd
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer
docker build -t laravel-development-env .
then use docker images
to find the image ID.
With docker run -it laravel-development-env
you can test if your changes are the desired ones.
Then tag it: docker tag laravel-development-env <YOUR-USER>/laravel-development-env:latest
and finally publish it: docker push <YOUR-USER>/laravel-development-env