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A microservice-based URL shortener built with Flask, Docker, and Kubernetes for scalable deployment.


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URL Shortner

This project is a microservice-based URL shortener application deployed using Docker and Kubernetes. The project contains multiple components, including a Python application, Helm charts for managing Kubernetes resources, and Docker configuration files.

Project Structure

  • app/: Contains the main application code.

    • The main Python script for the application.
    • templates/: HTML templates for rendering web pages.
  • Chart/: Helm chart configuration for deploying the application on Kubernetes.

    • Chart.yaml: Metadata about the Helm chart, including the name, version, and description.
    • values.yaml: Default values for the Helm chart that can be customized during deployment.
  • docker-compose.yml: Configuration file for Docker Compose to manage multi-container Docker applications.

  • Dockerfile: Defines the environment and instructions for building the Docker image for the application.

  • kubernetes/: Kubernetes YAML configurations for deploying the application.

    • app-dep.yml: Deployment file for the application.
    • configmap.yml: Configuration file to store non-sensitive application settings.
    • db-dep.yml: Deployment file for the database.
    • db-statefulset.yml: StatefulSet configuration for ensuring the database runs in a stable and consistent environment.
    • hpa-dep.yml: Configuration for the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.
    • secret.yml: Configuration for managing sensitive data such as passwords.
    • volume.yml: Configuration file for managing persistent volumes.
  • This documentation file.

  • requirements.txt: Lists the dependencies for the Python application.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd url-shortner
  2. Install Python dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t url-shortner-image .
  4. Deploy the application using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up

Kubernetes Deployment

  1. Create the ConfigMap, Secrets, and Persistent Volume:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/configmap.yml
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/secret.yml
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/volume.yml
  2. Deploy the database and application:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/db-dep.yml
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/app-dep.yml
  3. (Optional) Apply Horizontal Pod Autoscaler:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/hpa-dep.yml


Once the application is deployed, you can use the /shortit endpoint to shorten URLs. Here's an example using curl to test the API:

  1. Shorten a URL:

    curl -X POST http://<your-server-ip>:<your-port>/shortit -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"path_to": ""}'

    Replace <your-server-ip> and <your-port> with the actual IP and port of your deployed application.

  2. Visit the shortened URL:

    The response will contain a shortened URL. You can visit this URL, and the system will redirect you to the original URL.


A microservice-based URL shortener built with Flask, Docker, and Kubernetes for scalable deployment.





