Replying the same thing to each and every Whatsapp contact on Diwali can get frustrating, therefore this bot was created to reply to all the Happy Diwali wishes on your Whatsapp. This year, have a hassle free Diwali.
Ensure that the appropriate webdriver is installed and the appropriate steps are followed. Use this as a reference - Webdrivers documentation
Execute the pyton file on your terminal
Scan the Whatsapp QR code using your mobile device
The class names may vary from system to system, therefore if the code does not work, the code may not be able to access the given class names. In that case, the user must manually change the class names of required elements after inspecting the Web Whatsapp page.
The process is entirely automated, except the QR scanning for opening Whatsapp, for security reasons, the user has to manually scan the QR code with their phone.
This code is written using the Chromedriver, but webdrivers for other browsers can be downloaded from here:
Make sure that the webdriver is in installed and executed in the same location as this python script. Failure to observe this step will give you an error
Need to manually install webdrivers eliminated.