#Dataset : http://www.daviddlewis.com/resources/testcollections/reuters21578/
----------------------- How to Run ------------------------------
- Make sure you have python3 and the following modules installed: -> Numpy -> Sklearn -> Matplotlib -> Pandas -> nltk (with stopword downloaded!)
- git checkout to main branch(which has LSH and Community detection ) or git checkout to clustering branch (which has clustering method)
- Open constants.py and modify it with the values you would like
- Run main.py
- Pre-processing Reuters dataset : Write regex to parse and extract stories in memory.# Return a iterator (yield) to extracted stories)
- Character shingle : Length - 7 :Function that takes a string and returns it's shingle id
- Count and calculate tf and idf scores: i) Python dictionary, add key as we see.
- Get the tf-idf scores of those shingles.
- Throw away stop words ( idf > 0.9 ) and do for each key in dictionary : key -> index.
- Generate 100 hash functions ( ( k * x + r) % c ) G.C.D (k, c) == 1.
- Get signature matrix for each hash function. i) the value in each element of matrix is bool(tf-idf score > PARAM_threshold_tf_idf).
- L.S.H : i) PARAM_number_of_bands , PARAM_number_of_rows_in_each_band and split. ii) Generate K bucket hash functions : f(xor of the band per document) mod K. iii) Confirm it with cosine similarity for candidate pairs O(Summation(Candidate pairsC2)) iv) Key : PARAM_number_bands_matched, PARAM_threshold_cosine_similarity : Remove the false positives. v) Pick the ones with the least time stamp -> First story & family detected.
LSH split : Ankit : False positive removal , candidate pair checking and final decision Raaghav : Dynamic bucketing using (Method - ii) Siddhartha : Static bucketing + False postitive removal using similarity score in all pairs per bucket.
- Extend dynamic method without ML Abhinav:
- Extend dynamic method using ML ( Transfer Learning)