The key challenge of this application was to incorporate a payment gateway & Single Sign On (SSO) allowing Dog Owners to book a dog walker and pay them on completion. Think Uber but for Dog Owners.
- Coming Soon
- Solution URL: []
- Solution Code Frontend: []
- Solution Code Backend: []
- Establish the idea.
- whiteboard / develop UI flows.
- create database table structure (normalised).
- identify key technologies (i.e. Axios, Node.js, Cloudinary, Stripe) that will for part of the solution.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- React (for Frontend)
- JavaScript / Node.js (for WAF)
- Database (Postgres for storing data)
- Axios / APIs (for GETing and POSTing data)
- Lottie (for animated pics)
- Custom functions
- Yup & Formik (for data validation)
- Bcrypt (for encryption)
- ReCharts (for charting)
- JWT (for website cookies)
- Cloudinary (for image storage)
- Stripe (for payments)
- To be documented
- To be documented
- Glen Jones - []
- Peter Hristakos