The basic concept of this website is to allow vehicle owners to list their cars to be washed by car washers. Car owner's list their vehicles and pay a set price for each vehicle type. Car washers can view what jobs are available and lock-in a particular date/time-slot.
- Solution URL: []
- Solution Code Frontend: []
- Solution Code Backend: []
- Established the idea.
- Whiteboard / developed UI flows.
- Create database table structure (normalised).
- Identify key technologies (i.e. Axios, Node.js, Cloudinary, Bcrypt) that will for part of the solution.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- React (for Frontend)
- JavaScript / Node.js (for WAF)
- Database (Postgres for storing data)
- Axios / APIs (for GETing and POSTing data)
- Lottie (for animated pics)
- Custom functions
- Bcrypt (for encryption)
- ReCharts (for charting)
- JWT (for website cookies)
- Cloudinary (for image storage)
- bingMaps (address search location)
The use of "Rechart.js" for charting capabilities was used. However, it does not provide a solution for having labels and %'s on a pie chart. This was no show stopper but would need to utilise another package should i wish to use this type of functionality.
BingMaps API has a lot of API functionality. You can use its features to quickly auto-complete on an address search and populate the appropriate text boxes.
Utilising GEO-codes to calculate distances between Car Owners & Car Washers was achieved as BingMaps automatically provides Latitutude and Longitude information when a user signs up.
- Integration with Stripe for payments as per Walk My Dog website.
- Glen Jones - []