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Pooja Gulabchand Mishra edited this page Apr 19, 2023 · 6 revisions
  1. Is there SPM support available for SDK?

    We are currently on the pod and Installation can also be done manually. But we are in the phase to provide SPM support soon.

  2. How can I try and test the Mist indoor location accuracy without building an App? We have an application for testing purposes called Mist Experience and it is available in the

    play store and Appstore.

  3. Will didUpdateRelativeLocation return beacon information when there are no active beacons?

    No, didUpdateRelaticeLocation won't get called if there are no available beacons.

  4. What will be the output of didUpdateRelativeLocation?

  • It returns the object of type MistPoint which has (x, y) position and other information of the device in map (Floor plan).
  • For more insight on properties of MistPoint go through the MistPoint property table mentioned in previous sections.
  1. How can we get the Map uploaded to Mist Portal?
  • We can get via the delegate method didUpdateMap.
  • It returns the object of type MistMap with map URL and its width, height in pixel as well as meter.
  • For more insight on properties of MistMap go through the MistPoint property table mentioned in previous sections.
  1. What to do with MistMap and MistPoint we got from IndoorLocationDelegate?

    Consider that we are going to create a blue dot experience, for that two important requirement is

    1. MistMap
    2. MistPoint

    Our task is to mark the blue Dot on the MistMap at the position (x, y) which is returned by MistPoint

  2. When will didErrorOccur Will get called and what are the different types of errors?

    • When our SDK couldn't be able to generate the required output, it will trigger didErrorOccur delegate method.
    • And there are 8 defined errors defined in SDK they are
      1. noResponse
      2. responseParseError
      3. noBeaconsDetected
      4. noConnectionToCloud
      5. noDataConnection
      6. authFailure
      7. serverOverloaded
      8. SdkNotStarted
    • Plese go through the explanation of didErrorOccur to get more insight.
  3. Where to upload the floorplan?

    You are supposed to upload the floor plan in Mist portal. It was clearly mentioned above topics. Please take a look at it.

  4. Is that mandatory to update all the floor plans of the building?

    • Our SDK will provide x and y and other properties which tell us the exact location of the user and that is termed as MistPoint. But since our SDK Could not be able to provide 3rddimensional co-ordinate (because map itself is just a two-Dimensional image), It is very mandatory to upload all the available floor plans, (Ex: there might be two people standing at same (x, y) position but on the different floor)
    • So, the (x, y, from the SDK are relative to the floor plan that is the reason that we are mentioning the location from the MistSDK as a relativeLocation.
  5. Can an organization have more than one token?

    • Yes, there can be a N Number of tokens available for a single organization, but literally they are just synonyms - it means that we can use any of the tokens to authorize the app which is trying to use our SDK.
    • All the organizations which are registered with Mist will have their unique Identifier.

    Note: QR can be usable if the user wants to generalize their application with different organizations.

  6. What are the different approaches to authenticate via Access token?

    • We can directly embed that Access token in our app, if we don’t want to generalize the app.
    • But if we want to generalize, we can create a QR with a token and the mobile app just scans the token and switches the organization.
  7. What are the available options for Access Token in Organization menu in Mist Portal?

    There are two in portal in Access token section

    1. To view the QR of the Access token.
    2. Delete the token.
  8. What is ppm and the use?

    PPM is pixels per meter. It mentions how many meters a single pixel covers. If we want to get the exact pixel values, we have to multiply the Mist point (x, y) with ppm.

  9. What is the necessity to add AP to the floor map?

    • We are somehow going to illustrate the exact position of the device in the building to the floor plan. So, there must be a communication point which converts the exact position of the real floor to the floor plan. That can be done with the help of AP.
    • If we update the correct location of AP to Mist portal, Mist will have the position of AP in its DB. And based on the signal strength relative to the AP, SDK generates the accurate Position of the device.
  10. Do we use Eddystone alone in our SDK? Or do we use both iBeacon as well as Eddystone?

    • We only use Eddystone beacons for the scanning process. And all our AP will only transmit Eddystone UID beacons.
    • The iBeacon only used when there is a need of app wakeup
  11. Can android scan iBeacon?

    Yeah, android can iBeacon and iOS can also be capable of scanning Eddystone beacons. We should use the Core Bluetooth framework of each platform to achieve this.

  12. How effective is vBeacon and how we can be able to achieve vBeacon?

    • VBeacon is the patented technology of the Mist. The best part of vBeacon is, it completely replaces all the disadvantages of physical beacon. because it is not existing in the RealWorld at all.
    • There are two things here:

      i. Mist server is completely aware of the current location of the device.
      ii. And we mark a specified point (vBeaconX, vBeaconY) in the mistMap and make an illusion that there is a beacon at this position, and we even provide the coverage strength for the vBeacon.
      iii. So, when the user gets closer to the coverage area of the (vBeaconX, vBeaconY) position. We can get an illusion of the beacon’s presence,
      iv. There is no need of Physical maintenance for this beacon. We can move wherever we want based on the need.
  13. Explain Wayfinding with example?

    This will be the best use case of way finding. Wayfinding Use Case.

  14. Explain App wakeup with scenario?

    • Consider that we have an app where the SDK has been implemented but the app is not actively running in memory. Now our Goal is to push a notification even the app is not the memory.
    • Apple provides the best valid solution for this approach by providing a Monitoring support for the Region. That is available in the CoreLoaction Framework
    • We use iBeacon to create a Beacon Region and monitor them with Core location Monitoring delegate. There are two main delegate methods available in CoreLocation framework for monitoring region.
      1. locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion)
      2. locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didExitRegion region: CLRegion)
    • Both methods are capable of getting triggered even if the app is not running.
    • We use this callback to define a logic of waking the app up and making our SDK run.
  15. For More Questions, please check

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