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This is a set of homebrew formulae for digital preservation tools.

To install, you first need to: brew tap mistydemeo/digipres


  • Fork this repository on Github
  • Create a new local branch (git checkout -b mybranch)
  • brew edit the formula, or brew create a new one and place it in the repository in /usr/local/Library/Taps/mistydemeo-digipres
  • git add your file, then git commit with a descriptive commit message
  • git push your local branch to Github
  • Submit a pull request

And I'll merge it! Thanks!

Available tools

AVI metadata editing tool from NARA.

File identification tool from the National Archives (UK), based on information from PRONOM.

Tool for analyzing the properties of captured DV video.

Tool for creation of new file identification signatures, from Open Planets.

JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment, intended to identify and validate the correctness of digital objects.

Next-generation version of JHOVE.

Metadata extraction tool developed by the National Library of New Zealand.

"Yet another file identification tool", with the ability to refine its own file signatures through scanning known-good files.

PRONOM signature-based identification tool.