This is the repository for Computer Club, with two years:
2012 Semester 2: This semester, we learnt programming and Python.
2013 Semester 1: This semester, we explored the world of Linux and broader computing concepts.
2013 Semester 2: This semester, we begin creating games in both 2D and 3D environments.
2014 Term 2: This term, we looked at python again, catching up newer members, and looking at some modules.
In general (so unless specified otherwise), all work here has been written by members of the club and is licenced under v3 of the Creative Commons ShareAlike License ( If you do something cool, be sure to chuck us an email or pull request or otherwise grab our attention.
I (Tom) Would like to thank Patrick O'Connell for this material, without his guidance over the past 3 years I wouldn't have been able to run the club at all. I'd also like to thank Bentley, who's continued support has been vital to the club.