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Share Components across multiple react apps and microfrontends without creating UI library.


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React shared components

  • By reusing your own components you can save development time, keep your UI consistent across applications and let your whole team build together.
  • No need to create a UI library for reusable components across apps.
  • Create Shared UI App to create UI components. Deploy Shared UI App and Dynamically load a React Component from that URL using remote-component.
  • You can also add shared styles and common files in Shared App which you want to reuse.

How Remote Components works

  • The RemoteComponent React Component takes a URL as a prop. The URL is loaded and processed. This file must be a valid CommonJS Module that exports the component as default.
  • While the URL is loading, the fallback will be rendered. This is a similar pattern to React.Suspense. If no fallback is provided, then nothing will be rendered while loading.
  • Once loaded, there will either be an error a Component. The rendering will first be handled by the render callback function. If there is no render callback and err exists, a generic message will be shown.
  • The Component will be rendered either to the render callback if one exists, otherwise, it will be rendered as a standard component.

How Shared react components works

  • To use UI Components in all the apps you have to follow this for all the apps.
  • Install remote-component
$ npm install @paciolan/remote-component --save
  • Remote Components will require some dependencies to be injected into them. At the minimum, we'll be injecting the React dependency.
  • The web application can include dependencies and inject them into the RemoteComponent. At a minimum, you will probably need the react dependency.
  • Create a file remote-component.config.js in the root of the web application.
  • If you are using any library or package that the Ui component is using then you have to add that dependency in this file.
  • ex: If you are using Material-UI to create a UI component then you have to add material-ui as a dependency in this file like this:
    ["@material-ui/core"]: require("@material-ui/core")
 * remote-component.config.js
 * Dependencies for Remote Components
module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    react: require("react")
  • Create a file named RemoteComponent.js in the src folder.
  • Export RemoteComponent with the requires from remote-component.config.js. This will inject the dependencies into the RemoteComponent.
 * src/components/RemoteComponent.js
import {
} from "@paciolan/remote-component";
import { resolve } from "../remote-component.config.js";

const requires = createRequires(resolve);
export const RemoteComponent = createRemoteComponent({ requires });
  • Usage:
  • Create a file that exports al UI components.
import { RemoteComponent } from "./RemoteComponent";

const element = document.getElementById("app");
const url = "";
const HelloWorld = props =>
   render={({ err, Component }) =>
     err ? <div>{err.toString()}</div> : <Component {...props} />
export default HelloWorld;
  • Now you can import HelloWorld component in your app like this: import { HelloWorld } from "./index";
  • To use UI components in all the apps you have to add this configuration in all the apps.

How to create Shared UI App

  • To Create a Shared UI app follow this configuration.
  • Create a Folder named Shared.
  • Create a folder named src/UI(Or name you want).
  • Create Components in the UI folder.
  • Ex: To create a Label component in src folder create a file Label.js
import React from 'react';
import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';

export default function Title(props) {
  return (
    <Typography component="h2" variant="h6" color="primary" gutterBottom>
  • UI Component Label is created.
  • Create package.json at the root of the app.
  • Add all dependencies in the package.json which is required to create UI component.
  • Ex: Title Component is required material-ui, So Install material-ui first.
  • If you want common CSS across all the apps or any common file that is used by all the apps then you can add it in the src folder.
  • This file must be a valid CommonJS Module that exports the component as default, So we have to convert es6 files to commonjs.
  • Create .babelrc in the root folder.
    "presets": [
    "plugins": [
  • Install "@babel/preset-react", "@babel/env", "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", "@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread".
  • Add scripts in package.json to convert es6 files to commonJs module using babel.
"scripts": {
"build": "babel ./src --out-dir build --extensions '.ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx' && cp ./src/index.css build/",
"start": "serve --port 5000 --cors build"
  • When you run npm run build, It will convert all files from src directory and add it in build directory and copy index.css file in the build folder.
  • Now to use shared components and styles you have to serve build folder.
  • You can get components js file from http://localhost:5001/UI/Label.js

Example of this repo

  • There are 2 apps created in this repo app1 and app2 which are using the shared app for reusable components.
  • Created Remore-Component.jsx and remote-component-config.js files and are the same for both apps.
 * remote-component.config.js
 * Dependencies for Remote Components

module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    react: require("react"),
    ["@material-ui/core"]: require("@material-ui/core"),
    ["@material-ui/icons"]: require("@material-ui/icons"),
    ["@material-ui/core/Link"]: require("@material-ui/core/Link"),
    ["@material-ui/core/styles"]: require("@material-ui/core/styles"),
    ["@material-ui/core/Typography"]: require("@material-ui/core/Typography"),
    ["recharts"]: require("recharts")

import { createRemoteComponent } from "@paciolan/remote-component/dist/lib/createRemoteComponent";
import { createRequires } from "@paciolan/remote-component/dist/lib/createRequires";
import { resolve } from "./remote-component.config.js";

const requires = createRequires(resolve);
export const RemoteComponent = createRemoteComponent({ requires });

  • Created indexShared.js file for add all UI components.
import React from "react";
import { RemoteComponent } from "./RemoteComponent";

const Title = (props) => {
  const url1 = "http://localhost:5000/ui/Title.js";
  return (
      render={({ err, Component }) =>
        err ? <div>{err.toString()}</div> : <Component {...props} />
export { Title };

const Deposits = (props) => {
  const url = "http://localhost:5000/ui/Deposits.js";
  return (
      render={({ err, Component }) =>
        err ? <div>{err.toString()}</div> : <Component {...props} />
export { Deposits };

const Chart = (props) => {
  const url = "http://localhost:5000/ui/Chart.js";
  return (
      render={({ err, Component }) =>
        err ? <div>{err.toString()}</div> : <Component {...props} />
export { Chart };

const Orders = (props) => {
  const url = "http://localhost:5000/ui/Orders.js";
  return (
      render={({ err, Component }) =>
        err ? <div>{err.toString()}</div> : <Component {...props} />
export { Orders };

const listItems = (props) => {
  const url = "http://localhost:5000/ui/listItems.js";
  return (
      render={({ err, Component }) =>
        err ? <div>{err.toString()}</div> : <Component {...props} />
export { listItems };
  • imported all UI components in Dashboard.js file
import { Title, Deposits, Chart, Orders } from "./indexShared";
  • Created a Shared folder for reusable components.
  • Created the Common/ui folder and added all reusable components in ui folder.
  • Created index.css file in the Common folder to reuse the same style in all the apps.

Start the Project

  • Clone the repo
  • Open each app and run npm install.
  • Open Shared app and run npm run build
  • Run all the apps by npm start
app1: http://localhost:3001
app2: http://localhost:3002
shared: http://localhost:5000
  • UI components Chart, Deposits, Orders, and Title are shared with both the apps.