Simple self-hosted web-GUI to send messages from Telegram bot to group, channel or supergroup. Possible to send messages anonymously as admin.
Single-page web GUI with just one (password protected) form to sent messages from Telegram bot to group, channel or supergroup without giving people admin access to telegram group or channel.
We try to keep mt-tgadmin help
Before setting up mt-tgadmin
you need to register your bot with @BotFather, add bot to desired group and obtain this group's chatID.
- Registering new bot with @BotFather (useful How To)
- Add created bot to your group.
- Obtaining group's chatID: Open @RawDataBot and follow it instructions.
You will need bot's token and chatID to run mt-tgadmin
- Unpack archive for you platform to desired location (there is just one executable file in archive).
- Run
mt-tgadmin init
to create simple config to start with. - Open created file
with text editor and edit settings. Example settings are in .bot.EXAMPLE.yml. - Run
mt-tgadmin run
to check the setup. You should be able to open WebGUI at this point. PressCtrl + C
to stop it if everything is OK. - Run
mt-tgadmin install
to register it as daemon. - Consider using nginx or other webserver as reverse proxy to use TLS (HTTPS) and other extended http features.
- Just unpack newer version binary and restart process (or service).