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Haplotye phasing workflow v1.0

Requirement : megalodon v2.5.0 Requirement : Clair3 v0.1.12 Requirement : whatshap v1.4 Requirement : bgzip, tabix Requirement : bcftools v1.15.1 Requirement : samtools 1.9 Requirement : modbam2bed v0.5.3 Requirement : SNPsplit v0.3.2

Steps 1-4 are to identify SNPs that are not in reference genome (GT:1/1 or 1/2) and replace those positions of reference genome with ALT(1) nucleotides. These steps are to identify SNPs that always shows GT:0/1.

Step 1. Basecalling and mapping ONT data with megalodon

Requirement : megalodon v2.5.0 myref=genome.mmi fast5_pass=fast5 guppy_config=dna_r9.4.1_450bps_sup_prom.cfg megalodon ${fast5_pass}
--remora-modified-bases dna_r9.4.1_e8 sup 0.0.0 5mc CG 0
--outputs basecalls mappings mod_mappings mods
--reference ${myref}

Step 2. Clair3 SNP identification.

Requirement : Clair3 v0.1.12 Requirement : Whatshap v1.4 bam=mapping.bam myref=genome.fa MODEL_NAME="r941_prom_sup_g5014" THREADS=24

Step 3. Identifying SNPs with 1/1 or 1/2 mark.

Requirement : bgzip, tabix gzip -dc ./merge_output.vcf.gz | perl -F'\t' -anle 'if ($=/^#/) {print $;} elsif ($F[6] eq "PASS" and length($F[3])==1) {if ($F[9] =/1/1/ and length($F[4])==1) {print $_;} elsif ($F[9]=~/1/2/) {@a=split/,/,$F[4];if (length($a[0])==1 and length($a[1])==1) {$F[9]=~s@1/2@0/1@;print join("\t",@F[0..3],$a[0],@F[5..9]);}}}' > ref_SNP.vcf bgzip ref_SNP.vcf tabix -p vcf ref_SNP.vcf.gz

Step 4. Reconstrucion of genome fasta with SNPs in above.

Requirement : bcftools v1.15.1 myref=genome.fa out=genome_ref.fa vcf=ref_SNP.vcf.gz bcftools consensus -f ${myref} ${vcf} > ${out}

Step 5. Re-mapping ONT data with new fasta with megalodon

Requirement : megalodon v2.5.0 myref=genome_ref.mmi fast5_pass=fast5 guppy_config=dna_r9.4.1_450bps_sup_prom.cfg megalodon ${fast5_pass}
--remora-modified-bases dna_r9.4.1_e8 sup 0.0.0 5mc CG 0
--outputs basecalls mappings mod_mappings mods
--reference ${myref}

Step 6. Clair3 phasing, 2nd time.

Requirement : Clair3 v0.1.12 Requirement : whatshap v1.4 bam=mapping.bam ref=genome_ref.fa MODEL_NAME="r941_prom_sup_g5014" THREADS=24

Step 7. Collect phased SNP data. Chromosome number needs to be adjusted.

Requirement : bgzip, tabix cd tmp/phase_output/phase_vcf gzip -dc phased_chr{{1..22},X}.vcf.gz > ref_phased.vcf bgzip ref_phased.vcf tabix -p vcf ref_phased.vcf.gz

Step 8. Sort BAM file

Requirement : samtools 1.9 samtools sort -o mappings_sort.bam mappings.bam samtools index mappings_sort.bam

Step 9. Haplotype phasing ONT reads

Requirement : whstshap v1.14 in=mappings_sort.bam out=mappings_haplotag.bam vcf=ref_phased.vcf.gz myref=genome_ref.fa haplist=ref_phased_haplotypes.tsv cpu=24 whatshap haplotag
-o ${out}
--reference ${myref}
${vcf} ${in}

Step 10. Split ONT-BAM into two alleles.

Requirement : whstshap v1.14 haplist=ref_phased_haplotypes.tsv whatshap split
--output-h1 mappings_H1.bam
--output-h2 mappings_H2.bam
mappings.bam ${haplist} whatshap split
--output-h1 mod_mappings_H1.bam
--output-h2 mod_mappings_H2.bam
mod_mappings.bam ${haplist}

Step 11. Sort BAM files.

Requirement : samtools 1.9 samtools sort mod_mappings_H1.bam -o mod_mappings_H1_sort.bam ; samtools index mod_mappings_H1_sort.bam samtools sort mod_mappings_H2.bam -o mod_mappings_H2_sort.bam ; samtools index mod_mappings_H2_sort.bam

Step 12. ONT bam to 5mC level.

Requirement : modbam2bed v0.5.3 myref=genome_ref.fa bam1=mod_mappings_H1_sort.bam bam2=mod_mappings_H2_sort.bam cpu=24 modbam2bed -e -m 5mC --cpg -t ${cpu} ${myref} ${bam1} > ${bam1%.bam}.bed modbam2bed -e -m 5mC --cpg -t ${cpu} ${myref} ${bam2} > ${bam2%.bam}.bed

Step 13. Create 10kb-bin bedgraph file

chrom_size=genome.chrom.size # chrom.size file, list of chr and N bases, delimitted by TAB. cat ${chrom_size} ${bam1%.bam}.bed | perl -F'\t' -anle 'BEGIN {$bin=10000;$mod="m";print "track type=bedGraph";@clist=(1..22,"X");$colm=12;$colu=11;$="chr$" for @clist;} if (@F < 3) {$size{$F[0]}=$F[1];} else {if ($F[3] eq $mod) {$l=int(($F[1]-1)/$bin);$mC{"$F[0]:$l"}+=$F[$colm];$uC{"$F[0]:$l"}+=$F[$colu] ;}} END {for $c (@clist) {for $i ($size{$c}/$bin)) {$l2=($i + 1)$bin; $l2=$size{$c} if $l2 > $size{$c};print join("\t",$c,$i$bin,$l2, ($mC{"$c:$i"}+$uC{"$c:$i"}) > 0 ? $mC{"$c:$i"} / ($mC{"$c:$i"}+$uC{"$c:$i"}) * 100 : 0) if ($mC{"$c:$i"}+$uC{"$c:$i"})>20; }}}' > ${f%.bam}10kb_5mC.bedgraph cat ${chrom_size} ${bam2%.bam}.bed | perl -F'\t' -anle 'BEGIN {$bin=10000;$mod="m";print "track type=bedGraph";@clist=(1..22,"X");$colm=12;$colu=11;$="chr$_" for @clist;} if (@F < 3) {$size{$F[0]}=$F[1];} else {if ($F[3] eq $mod) {$l=int(($F[1]-1)/$bin);$mC{"$F[0]:$l"}+=$F[$colm];$uC{"$F[0]:$l"}+=$F[$colu] ;}} END {for $c (@clist) {for $i ($size{$c}/$bin)) {$l2=($i + 1)$bin; $l2=$size{$c} if $l2 > $size{$c};print join("\t",$c,$i$bin,$l2, ($mC{"$c:$i"}+$uC{"$c:$i"}) > 0 ? $mC{"$c:$i"} / ($mC{"$c:$i"}+$uC{"$c:$i"}) * 100 : 0) if ($mC{"$c:$i"}+$uC{"$c:$i"})>20; }}}' > ${f%.bam}_10kb_5mC.bedgraph

Step 14. Swap REF and ALT bases based at GT tag labelled with "1|0", output SNP list for SNPsplit tool.

gzip -dc ref_phased.vcf.gz | perl -F'\t' -anle '@t=split(/:/,$F[9]);@F[3,4] = @F[4,3] if $t[0] eq "1|0";print join("\t","$F[0]_" . $i++,@F[0,1],1,"$F[3]/$F[4]","$F[0]:$t[4]") if $t[4] =~/^\d+$/;' > ref_phased_snpsplit.txt

Step 15. Split BAM for Methylome and RNAseq into two alleles.

Requirement : SNPsplit v0.3.2 SNPsplit --snp_file ref_phased_snpsplit.txt --bisulfite methylome.bam SNPsplit --snp_file ref_phased_snpsplit.txt rnaseq.bam


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