Building OS Highways for pgRouting
These same notes and other pgrouting examples are also available here
If you have Safe Software’s FME you can download the workbenches to create the database tables here but note that you will have to edit the workbenches to write to PostGIS instead of GeoPackage. Not hard if you’ve used FME before. Other data loaders will support loading Highways data once the data structure is finalised.
The following tables are created by FME process:
- hw_accessrestriction*
- hw_accessrestriction_inclusion
- hw_accessrestriction_exemption
- hw_accessrestriction_networkref*
- hw_restrictionforvehicles
- hw_restrictionsforvehicles_networkref
- hw_road
- hw_road_networkref
- hw_roadlink*
- hw_roadlink_formspartof
- hw_roadlink_relatedroadarea
- hw_roadnode*
- hw_roadnode_relatedroadarea
- hw_turnrestriction*
- hw_turnrestriction_networkref*
* Tables used in this exercise
ALTER TABLE my_schema.hw_roadlink
ADD COLUMN source integer,
ADD COLUMN target integer,
ADD COLUMN one_way varchar(2),
ADD COLUMN speed_km integer,
ADD COLUMN cost_len double precision,
ADD COLUMN rcost_len double precision,
ADD COLUMN cost_time double precision,
ADD COLUMN rcost_time double precision,
ADD COLUMN x1 double precision,
ADD COLUMN y1 double precision,
ADD COLUMN x2 double precision,
ADD COLUMN y2 double precision,
ADD COLUMN to_cost double precision,
ADD COLUMN rule text,
ADD COLUMN isolated integer;
CREATE INDEX hw_roadlink_source_idx ON my_schema.hw_roadlink USING btree(source);
CREATE INDEX hw_roadlink_target_idx ON my_schema.hw_roadlink USING btree(target);
The start and end coordinates of the links are used in the Astar shortest path algorithmto determine the links closest to the target shortest path solution.
UPDATE my_schema.hw_roadlink
SET x1 = st_x(st_startpoint(centrelinegeometry)),
y1 = st_y(st_startpoint(centrelinegeometry)),
x2 = st_x(st_endpoint(centrelinegeometry)),
y2 = st_y(st_endpoint(centrelinegeometry));
Setting the one_way
flags helps pgRouting analyse the road network graph for errors.
UPDATE hw_roadlink SET one_way = 'B' WHERE directionality = 'bothDirections';
UPDATE hw_roadlink SET one_way = 'TF' WHERE directionality = 'inOppositeDirection';
UPDATE hw_roadlink SET one_way = 'FT' WHERE directionality = 'inDirection';
Costs are what the routing engine uses to calculate the best route across the network. In this example we are using distance, based on link length, and time, based on average speed for particular road classification and link length. For links with one way directionality we set the reverse cost very high to discourage use. pgRouting uses the digitised direction of the line to help with routing and the Highways layer helpfully has a field which tells us, for one way streets, which way the line has been drawn and which way the traffic is expected to flow. For one way streets with traffic flow in the same direction as digitised direction the directionality flag is set to inDirection. For traffic flow contra to line direction it is set to inOppositeDirection. For links with two way flow of traffic it is set to bothDirections.
Forward and reverse cost is the same for two way streets
UPDATE my_schema.hw_roadlink
SET cost_len = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry),
rcost_len = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry)
WHERE directionality IN ('bothDirections');
Reverse costs are increased for one way streets
UPDATE my_schema.hw_roadlink
SET cost_len = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry),
rcost_len = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry)*100
WHERE directionality IN ('inDirection');
UPDATE my_schema.hw_roadlink
SET rcost_len = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry),
cost_len = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry)*100
WHERE directionality IN ('inOppositeDirection');
To set the time cost I set an average speed based on the road classifiation and form of the road. A tip here is to remember to set the speed for slip roads, traffic island links to be the same as the speed for the carriageway of the same class. This prevents odd routing through complex junctions.
Check what type of roads you are using with:
SELECT DISTINCT roadclassification, formofway
FROM my_schema.hw_roadlink
ORDER BY roadclassification;
Set the road speed by classification and form. Adjust as required
UPDATE my_schema.hw_roadlink
SET speed_km =
WHEN roadclassification = 'Motorway' AND formofway = 'Dual Carriageway' THEN 110
WHEN roadclassification = 'Motorway' AND formofway = 'Slip Road' THEN 110
WHEN roadclassification = 'A Road' AND formofway = 'Roundabout' THEN 40
WHEN roadclassification = 'A Road' AND formofway = 'Dual Carriageway' THEN 100
WHEN roadclassification = 'A Road' AND formofway = 'Traffic Island Link' THEN 100
WHEN roadclassification = 'A Road' AND formofway = 'Slip Road' THEN 100
WHEN roadclassification = 'A Road' AND formofway = 'Traffic Island Link At Junction' THEN 100
WHEN roadclassification = 'A Road' AND formofway = 'Single Carriageway' THEN 100
WHEN roadclassification = 'B Road' AND formofway = 'Dual Carriageway' THEN 100
WHEN roadclassification = 'B Road' AND formofway = 'Single Carriageway' THEN 80
WHEN roadclassification = 'B Road' AND formofway = 'Slip Road' THEN 80
WHEN roadclassification = 'B Road' AND formofway = 'Roundabout' THEN 40
WHEN roadclassification = 'B Road' AND formofway = 'Traffic Island Link' THEN 80
WHEN roadclassification = 'B Road' AND formofway = 'Traffic Island Link At Junction' THEN 80
WHEN roadclassification = 'Not Classified' AND formofway = 'Traffic Island Link' THEN 60
WHEN roadclassification = 'Not Classified' AND formofway = 'Single Carriageway' THEN 60
WHEN roadclassification = 'Not Classified' AND formofway = 'Roundabout' THEN 40
WHEN roadclassification = 'Not Classified' AND formofway = 'Dual Carriageway' THEN 100
WHEN roadclassification = 'Not Classified' AND formofway = 'Enclosed Traffic Area' THEN 40
WHEN roadclassification = 'Not Classified' AND formofway = 'Traffic Island Link At Junction' THEN 60
WHEN roadclassification = 'Not Classified' AND formofway = 'Slip Road' THEN 60
WHEN roadclassification = 'Unclassified' AND formofway = 'Slip Road' THEN 40
WHEN roadclassification = 'Unclassified' AND formofway = 'Enclosed Traffic Area' THEN 40
WHEN roadclassification = 'Unclassified' AND formofway = 'Single Carriageway' THEN 40
WHEN roadclassification = 'Unclassified' AND formofway = 'Layby' THEN 10
WHEN roadclassification = 'Unclassified' AND formofway = 'Traffic Island Link At Junction' THEN 40
WHEN roadclassification = 'Unclassified' AND formofway = 'Traffic Island Link' THEN 40
WHEN roadclassification = 'Unclassified' AND formofway = 'Dual Carriageway' THEN 100
WHEN roadclassification = 'Unclassified' AND formofway = 'Roundabout' THEN 40
Update the travel time costs for two way roads.
UPDATE my_schema.hw_roadlink
SET cost_time = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry)/1000.0/speed_km::numeric*3600.0,
rcost_time = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry)/1000.0/speed_km::numeric*3600.0
WHERE directionality IN ('bothDirections');
Update the travel time costs for one way streets digitised the same way as traffic flow.
UPDATE my_schema.hw_roadlink
SET cost_time = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry)/1000.0/speed_km::numeric*3600.0,
rcost_time = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry)*100/1000.0/speed_km::numeric*3600.0
WHERE directionality IN ('inDirection');
Set the travel time costs for one way streets digitised against the traffic flow.
UPDATE my_schema.hw_roadlink
SET rcost_time = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry)/1000.0/speed_km::numeric*3600.0,
cost_time = ST_Length(centrelinegeometry)*100/1000.0/speed_km::numeric*3600.0
WHERE directionality IN ('inOppositeDirection');
Build network topology
SELECT pgr_createTopology('my_schema.hw_roadlink', 0.001, 'centrelinegeometry', 'ogc_fid', 'source', 'target');
Check topology for errors
SELECT pgr_analyzeGraph('my_schema.hw_roadlink', 0.001, ' centrelinegeometry ', 'ogc_fid', 'source', 'target');
Check for one-way errors
SELECT pgr_analyzeOneway('my_schema.hw_roadlink',
ARRAY['', 'B', 'TF'],
ARRAY['', 'B', 'FT'],
ARRAY['', 'B', 'FT'],
ARRAY['', 'B', 'TF'],
Identify links with problems
SELECT * FROM hw_roadlink_vertices_pgr WHERE chk = 1;
Identify links with deadends
SELECT * FROM hw_roadlink_vertices_pgr WHERE cnt = 1;
Identify isolated segments
SELECT * FROM hw_roadlink a, hw_roadlink_vertices_pgr b, hw_roadlink_vertices_pgr c
WHERE a.source = AND b.cnt = 1 AND = AND c.cnt = 1;
Identify nodes with problems
SELECT * FROM hw_roadlink_vertices_pgr WHERE ein = 0 OR eout = 0;
Identify the links at nodes with problems
SELECT gid FROM hw_roadlink a, hw_roadlink_vertices_pgr b WHERE AND ein=0 OR eout=0
SELECT gid FROM hw_roadlink a, hw_roadlink_vertices_pgr b WHERE AND ein=0 OR eout=0;
The Highways dataset provides tables of turn restrictions with a reference to the road links, the type of restriction and a turn sequence number. The turn restriction table is joined to the road link table and is used to generate the turn restrictions in pgRouting format.
First, we create a view of the links involved in the turn restriction. We select the FROM link with a sequence of 0 and the TO link with a sequence number of 1 where the restriction type is NO TURN.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hw_nt_links AS
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid,
a.roadlink_toid AS from_link,
c.ogc_fid AS from_fid,
b.roadlink_toid AS to_link,
d.ogc_fid AS to_fid,
a.sequence AS from_seq,
b.sequence AS to_seq,
FROM hw_turnrestriction_networkref a
INNER JOIN hw_turnrestriction_networkref b ON a.toid = b.toid
INNER JOIN hw_roadlink c ON c.toid = a.roadlink_toid
INNER JOIN hw_roadlink d ON d.toid = b.roadlink_toid
WHERE b.sequence = 1
AND a.sequence = 0
AND a.restriction = 'No Turn';
Mandatory turns are modelled in the dataset as turns which are allowed. So there is the entry link and the exit link which, together with the associated node make up the mandatory turn. To create a restriction here to enforce the mandatory turn you need to select all the other links in the turn and restrict access to them so that the only way is Essex.
Create a view of the entry link and associated node
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hw_mt_link1 AS
SELECT a.roadlink_toid,
(CASE WHEN a.applicabledirection = 'inOppositeDirection' AND sequence = 0 THEN b.startnode
WHEN a.applicabledirection = 'inDirection' AND sequence = 1 THEN b.startnode
ELSE b.endnode END) AS nodetoid,
FROM hw_turnrestriction_networkref a
INNER JOIN hw_roadlink b ON a.roadlink_toid = b.toid
WHERE a.restriction = 'Mandatory Turn'
AND a.sequence = 0;
Then create a view of the exit link.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hw_mt_link2 AS
SELECT a.roadlink_toid,
(CASE WHEN a.applicabledirection = 'inOppositeDirection' AND sequence = 0 THEN b.startnode
WHEN a.applicabledirection = 'inDirection' AND sequence = 1 THEN b.startnode
ELSE b.endnode END) AS nodetoid,
FROM hw_turnrestriction_networkref a
INNER JOIN hw_roadlink b ON a.roadlink_toid = b.toid
WHERE restriction = 'Mandatory Turn'
AND sequence = 1;
I'll need to add something herefor instances where there is more than one mandatory turn at the link and sequence = 2.
Combine these to select the other links in the turn, the links you cannot turn into.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hw_mt_nt_links AS
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid,
a.roadlink_toid AS from_toid,
a.ogc_fid AS from_fid,
b.toid AS to_toid,
b.ogc_fid AS to_fid
FROM view_hw_mt_link1 a
INNER JOIN hw_roadlink b ON (a.nodetoid = b.startnode OR a.nodetoid = b.endnode)
AND a.roadlink_toid <> b.toid
AND b.toid NOT IN (SELECT roadlink_toid FROM view_hw_mt_link2);
No entry restrictions are those links where it is legally forbidden to enter the link travelling the wrong way. The information is held in the AccessRestriction tables.
First, select the node entry links and the associated road node into a view.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW my_schema.view_hw_ne_link AS
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid,
(CASE WHEN b.applicabledirection = 'inOppositeDirection' THEN c.endnode ELSE c.startnode END) AS roadnode_toid,
FROM hw_accessrestriction a
INNER JOIN hw_accessrestriction_networkref b ON a.toid = b.toid
INNER JOIN hw_roadlink c ON c.toid = b.roadlink_toid
WHERE a.trafficsign = 'No Entry';
Then, select all the other links at that node and restrict turning into the no entry link.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW my_schema.view_hw_ne_other_links AS
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid,
a.toid AS from_toid,
a.ogc_fid AS from_fid,
b.roadlink_toid AS to_toid,
b.ogc_fid AS to_fid
FROM hw_roadlink a
INNER JOIN view_hw_ne_link b ON (b.roadnode_toid = a.startnode OR b.roadnode_toid = a.endnode)
AND a.toid <> b.roadlink_toid;
This section needs some more thinking to work with more complex grade separated examples.
These restrictions are built to stop your route dropping off the bridge onto the road below to find the shortest path between source and target. They are created from the road nodes with a classification of “Grade Separation” and the associated road links. Normally, there are four links associated to every node in an over- and underpass situation. So, for example, in the Angus network there are 41 nodes and 164 associated links. First, create a view of all the nodes with associated links.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW my_schema.view_hw_gs_nodes AS
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS id,
rl.ogc_fid, rl.toid AS linktoid,
rn.toid AS nodetoid,
rl.startnode AS startnodetoid,
rl.endnode AS endnodetoid,
FROM hw_roadlink rl, hw_roadnode rn
WHERE (rn.toid::text = rl.startnode::text OR rn.toid::text = rl.endnode::text)
AND rn.classification::text = 'Grade Separation'::text;
Now use the view of nodes to build the restrictions at the grade separated node for each link
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_hw_gs_nt_links AS
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid,
a.linktoid AS from_link,
a.ogc_fid AS from_fid,
b.linktoid AS to_link,
b.ogc_fid AS to_fid
FROM view_hw_gs_nodes a
JOIN view_hw_gs_nodes b ON a.nodetoid = b.nodetoid
WHERE a.linktoid <> b.linktoid
AND a.directionality <> b.directionality;
NOTE: This may not be 100% correct but it works for the network in Angus as we have relatively simple network topologies.
The difficulty is selecting each link in turn and making sure the correct links are selected to restrict travel at a different grade separation and only allow onward travel on the next link at the same elevation.
We’ll create a table to hold the turn restriction data. This is in the format FROM ID, TO ID, COST where the IDs are the road link IDs.
CREATE TABLE my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions
( rid integer NOT NULL,
to_cost double precision,
teid integer,
feid integer,
via text )
COMMENT ON TABLE my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions IS 'Highways Turn Restrictions';
Once we have the table we can fill it with the turn restriction records and then calculate the restriction cost.
Insert the GRADE SEPARATION TURN restrictions first
INSERT INTO my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions(rid,feid,teid)
SELECT gid AS rid,
from_fid AS feid,
to_fid AS teid
FROM view_hw_gs_nt_links v
WHERE v.to_fid <> 0
AND v.to_fid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT t.teid FROM my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions t WHERE t.rid = v.gid);
Then the NO TURN restrictions
INSERT INTO my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions(rid,feid,teid)
SELECT gid AS rid,
from_fid AS feid,
to_fid AS teid
FROM view_hw_nt_links v
WHERE v.to_fid <> 0
AND v.to_fid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT t.teid FROM my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions t WHERE t.rid = v.gid);
Then the MANDATORY TURN restrictions
INSERT INTO my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions(rid,feid,teid)
SELECT gid AS rid,
from_fid AS feid,
to_fid AS teid
FROM view_hw_mt_nt_links v
WHERE v.to_fid <> 0
AND v.to_fid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT t.teid FROM my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions t WHERE t.rid = v.gid);
Lastly, the NO ENTRY turn restrictions
INSERT INTO my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions(rid,feid,teid)
SELECT gid AS rid,
from_fid AS feid,
to_fid AS teid
FROM view_hw_ne_other_links v
WHERE v.to_fid <> 0
AND v.to_fid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT t.teid FROM my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions t WHERE t.rid = v.gid);
Then we update the cost field to some high value.
UPDATE my_schema.hw_nt_restrictions SET to_cost = 9999;
Use the following in the TRSP function in the pgRouting Layer plugin in QGIS
'select to_cost, teid as target_id, feid||coalesce('',''||via,'''') as via_path from hw_nt_restrictions'
At this point you will have a functional network topology that pgRouting will be able to use to generate reasonably accurate routes. Paths will respect road restrictions and grade separations and the direction of traffic flow.
As this is the first release of Highways there is still work to be done on dataset attributes and adding in additional features.
Things to considers:
- Adding in vehicle restrictions
- Road width
- Bridge height
- Bridge capacity
- Hazards
- Time restrictions
- Better speed estimates and additional cost fields
- Network subsets for public transport and safe routes
- Integrating with rail networks and foot path networks