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Releases: mixer/interactive-unity-plugin

Version 1.3

10 Sep 15:32
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This release includes:

  • Button - text updates are batched
  • Anonymous Users - MixPlay supports anonymous users. Please now use Session ID instead of User ID.
  • New Error Codes - 4025: returned if the participant can no longer access the session. 4027: returned if the game client was purposely terminated.


  • Empty control sets won't cause an error
  • Resolved issue with some groups not being returned
  • Clearing saved login info no longer requires exit of the editor
  • ConnectedAt and LastInputAt times now always in UTC
  • CreateScenes now handles array of scenes

Version 1.2

16 May 20:40
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This release includes:

  • Screen Control - allows you to get mouse input and coordinates
  • Allow token to be set for a user. This change allows developers to set the token explicity for a given user (relevant only to Xbox One)
  • Access to meta properties - meta properties can now be accessed and updated on all control types.


  • LoggingLevel fixed - Resolves issue where logging levelt didn't work if the Mixer editor wasn't open.
  • Simplewebsocket dll updated - Resolves issue where dll was not found on machines without debug c runtime installed.

Version 1.1

03 Apr 14:19
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This release includes:

  • Textbox - spark transactions will not work for this current release
  • isBroadcaster - you can now tell if a participant is the broadcaster through this particpant property


  • SetProperty - fixes a bug where properties may not be set properly at times

Version 1.0

14 Mar 15:28
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Mixer will be moving to TLS 1.2. Everyone will need to update their SDK to at least this version.

Breaking change:

  • The SDK will now handle spark transactions automatically. You can still handle them manually. To do so, you use MixerInteractive.ManuallyHandleSparkTransactions = true. The default value is false.

This release includes:

  • TLS 1.2 support
  • Dynamic button creation
  • Button customization (colors, background images)
  • Labels
  • Support for key accelerators
  • Greatly improved error logging and debugging

Fix for Xbox One

24 Jan 20:59
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There was an issue with Xbox One builds connecting to interactive that is now fixed.

Fix: Error when installing multiple interactive games on desktop

05 Dec 15:01
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This release fixes an error in the following use case:

  1. The user installs one Unity game.
  2. The user installs another, different Unity game.
  3. There is an authentication error for the 2nd game.

This issue only affects desktop builds. Xbox One and other build types are unaffected.

Fix performance issue, set button text and set spark cost

25 Oct 22:20
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This release includes the following improvements:

  • Fixes an performance issue that caused noticeable frame drops for desktop and Unity editor builds when sending outgoing commands.
  • The ability to set button text. For example:
   MixerInteractive.Button("giveHealth").SetText("giveHealth " + "(3)");
  • The ability to set the spark cost. For example:
  • Includes more of the code as source for easier debugging. Now only a small portion of the code is in DLLs (a small amount of C code necessary to support certain platform-specific features).

Fix cooldowns

06 Aug 22:18
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This release fixes the following issue: #28

Please note, even if you haven't noticed issues with cooldowns, you may still need to update your SDK because we recently deployed service changes to simplify our handling of controls and the SDK required an update.

Fix error accessing InteractiveParticipant.Buttons

20 Jul 00:52
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Fix: Error accessing list of buttons for stream participant.

This release contains a fix for accessing the Buttons and Joysticks properties on the InteractiveParticipant class when a participant has not yet interacted with these controls.

Fix: SetCurrentScene not working.

15 Jul 16:59
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This release contains 1 fix: the MixerInteractive.SetCurrentScene method was not working. If you were setting scenes through groups, this fix isn't relevant for you. But if you were calling the MixerInteractive.SetCurrentScene method and it was not working then this release contains a fix for that issue.