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A Vite powered WebExtension (Chrome, FireFox, etc.) starter template based on manifest 3, vue3 and vite.


  • Vue 3 - Composition API, Script setup and more!
  • Vue 3 app in Content Script too (template added)
  • HMR for extension pages and content scripts
  • Tailwind css And daisyUI
  • Vue Router setup incuding vite-plugin-pages for automatic route registration
  • Effortless communications - powered by webext-bridge and VueUse storage
  • Components auto importing
  • Icons - Access to icons from any iconset directly
  • TypeScript - type safe
  • Eslint & Prettier configured for vue, javascript, typescript
  • CRXJS Vite Plugin Build a Chrome Extension with Vite
  • Github build and release actions

Please create an issue if you feel some feature is missing or could be improved.


WebExtension Libraries

Vite Plugins

Vue Plugins

  • VueUse - collection of useful composition APIs

UI Frameworks

  • tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework
  • daisyUI - The most popular component library for Tailwind CSS

Tailwind css forms and typography plugins are enabled for default styling of form controls.

Coding Style

Use the Template

GitHub Template

Create a repo from this template on GitHub.

Clone to local

If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history

If you don't have pnpm installed, run: npm install -g pnpm

pnpx degit mubaidr/vite-vue3-chrome-extension-v3 my-webext
cd my-webext
pnpm i



  • src - main source.
    • content-script - scripts and components to be injected as content_script
      • iframe content script iframe vue3 app which will be injected into page
    • background - scripts for background.
    • popup - popup vuejs application root
      • pages - popup pages
    • options - options vuejs application root
      • pages - options pages
    • pages - application pages, common to all views (About, Contact, Authentication etc)
    • components - auto-imported Vue components that are shared in popup and options page.
    • assets - assets used in Vue components
  • dist - built files, also serve stub entry for Vite on development.


pnpm dev

Then load extension in browser with the dist/ folder.


To build the extension, run

pnpm build

And then pack files under dist, you can upload dist.crx or dist.xpi to appropriate extension store.


This template is heavenly inspired by: