# pip install dash==0.20.0
# pip install dash-renderer==0.11.2
# pip install dash-html-components==0.8.0
# pip install dash-core-components==0.18.0
# pip install plotly --upgrade
Also it is required to use a MySQL database.
To install, clone this repo
# git clone https://github.com/mjholder/DashMetrics.git
and go to the directory where setup.py is located and run
# python setup.py bdist_rpm
Install the rpm
# yum install dist/DashMetrics-x.x_x.noarch.rpm
Download the rpm file and go to the directory where it's located, then install the rpm
# yum install DashMetrics-x.x_x.noarch.rpm
There are two commands to use
# dm_populate
# dm_dash
dm_populate is used to populate a specified database with data. It fills the specified database with 4 tables:
- entries: this contains all the individual data points
- hourly: this contains the average of the data points per hour
- daily: this contains the average of the data points in hourly per day
- monthly: this contains the average of the data points in daily per month
It takes, on average, 2 minutes for dm_populate to add 130,000 entries.
# dm_populate -h
-f Specify the directory containing metric data files.
-i Specify the IP the database you are connecting to
is hosted on. Default is 'localhost'.
-u The username for accessing the database.
Default username is 'root'
-p The password for accessing the database.
-d Specify the name of the database. Default is sdiag.
-c Specify a path to load a custom config.json.
-h Displays this message and quits.
dm_dash runs the dash webapp. This is hosted on by default. This also fill the specified database with 6 tables that are used to store and compare data returned from users visiting the website. These tables get reset each time dm_dash is started and each user has their own row.
# dm_dash -h
-w Specify the ip for Dash to run on.
Default ip is ''.
-q Specify the port for Dash to run on.
Defualt port is '8050'.
-i Specify the ip of the database you are
connecting to. Default is 'localhost'.
-u The username for accessing the database.
Default username is 'root'.
-p The password for accessing the database.
-d The name of the database. Default is sdiag.
-c Specify a path to load a custom config.json.
-h Displays this message and quits.
When viewing the dash, the "All Points" graph is disabled by default due to it's tendencies to take a while to load/update.
To uninstall run
# yum remove DashMetrics