Cyclemeter ( is a terrific GPS tracking app for iPhone. I use it to track pretty much everywhere I go and connect the GPS tracks to my photos and nature observations.
Cyclemeter has one flaw for me and that is the inability to export all of the tracks as GPX files. You can only export one at a time on the iPhone, and it takes a few clicks per track. I use the GPX track for geotagging the photos from my DSLR. I'd rather save my time and batch export the GPX files.
Also, my old iPhone was starting to get slowed down by the thousands of tracks I'd accumulated and I needed to clear out the app and start again, but still needed the option of exporting GPX tracks from some of my old trips.
Before running this, make sure the Cyclemeter app is closed on your computer and connect it to your favourite download app on your computer (iTunes should work, but I prefer the simpler and more useful PhoneView Mac app, Download the Cyclemeter database, Meter.db, from your phone. Put it inside the "data" folder of this R script (replacing the example database I've provided).
Double-click on the "cyclemeter database importer.R" script. The working directory in R needs to be the folder where this script it. It will be by default if you launch R by double-clicking on the script. This script opens up Meter.db, does some formatting, then runs a loop to make a GPX file of each trip in the database. The GPX files are saved in the results/GPX_files folder.
For this to work, all you'll need is R ( and you'll need to add the package RSQLite (using the Package Installer in R).
If you look inside the script, you'll see that it is only set to deal with the time zones I use ("Pacific/Auckland" and "America/Los_Angeles"). If that's not where you are, you'll need to add your time zones.
Also, Meter.db doesn't have the names of each activity type, just the activityTypeID. I figured out what these were for my activities (1 = Run, 2 = Walk, 4 = Cycle, 10 = Drive, 255 = Sailing). If your Meter.db has other activityTypeID values, you'll need to figure out what those are by looking at some of your example trips on your iPhone.
The R scripts are creative commons attribution 4.0. Do what you like with them.
I've included an example Meter.db database with a couple of my trips so the script will work from the get-go. The structure of this database will be copyright Abvio (, the makers of Cyclemeter.