##Overview Card Create is a simple tool to help create card games.
You have cards and templates.
- Cards comprise of a key value store for cards attributes such as name, description or images. For ease of adding test cards these can be imported from Twitter.
- Templates specify the layout of the resulting card. They can also have additional attributes themselves, and are themselves made up of several layers.
- Layers have essetially css design elements which the user can fully customize they also carry a 'text' and a 'background image' tag. both of these are optional you can enter normal text, or urls here, alternatively you can enter #keyword. when you use a # it will try to locate the keyword first in the card's attributes and then in the templates attributes and replace itself with whatever is specified there
##Installation Card creates requirements are specified in requirements.txt (https://github.com/mjtalbot/card_create/blob/master/requirements.txt)
##Configuration Card create uses a yaml style configuration file
key: <twitter_key>
secret: <twitter_secret>
port: 5000
card: <path_to_card_store>
resource: <path_to_resource_store>
template: <path_to_template_store>
Cards are stored in json format in the card store. Template are stored in json format in the template store Resources hold uploaded images.
To startup a server simply run
python app.py <path_to_config>
##TODO There is a lot to do for card create to become complete, below is an overview of what is planned.
- remove twitter dependency from startup
- clone cards
- preview whole deck of cards
- add tagging to cards
- add card/template ownership
- manage deletion of unused resources
- export cards to pdf
- add unit tests
- add build environment