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Cheat Sheet

Mathias Kende edited this page Sep 29, 2024 · 5 revisions

PTP Cheat Sheet


Install with:

sudo apt-get install perl cpanminus perl-doc build-essential
# or
sudo yum install perl Perl-App-cpanminus perl-doc gcc make

sudo cpanm App::PTP -n -L /usr/local --man-pages --install-args \

Run with:

ptp file1 file2 ... [--grep re] [--substitute re subst] ... [-o out]


Input files can appear anywhere on the command line and are processed in the order in which they are given.

filename (anywhere in the command line, not starting with a -)
- (reads from stdin)
-- filename ... (for any filename)


Pipeline commands are applied, in order, to all the input files.

--g regex (--grep), -s regex string (--substitute)
--p code (-perl): read and write $_ to modify the file
-n code: read from $_, write the return values
-f code (--filter): return true to keep the line
-e code (--execute): execute once per input file
-l path (--load): execute the given file, once per input file
-M module: load the given module
--sort, --ns (--numeric-sort), --ls, (--locale-sort), --cs code (--custom-sort)
-u (--unique), --gu (--global-unique)
--head [n], --tail [n], --reverse (--tac), --shuffle
--eat: discard the content of the file
--ml code (--mark-line): set the marker for the line with the return value
--clear-markers, --set-all-markers
--delete-marked, --delete-before, --delete-after, --delete-at-offset offset
--insert-before string, --insert-after string, --insert-at-offset offset string: insert interpolated text next to marked lines (offset 0 is just after)
--cut N,N,...: select fields according to -F and concatenate them with -P
--paste file: paste with -P line by line with the current content
--pivot: turn the file into a single line with -P
--anti-pivot: split all lines according to -F
--transpose: transpose lines and columns using -F and -P
--nl (--number-lines), --pfn (--prefix-file-name)
--fn (--file-name), --lc, --line-count: replace the content of the file
-m (--merge): merge all the files in a single one
--tee filename: duplicate the output
--shell command: sends the content as input to the command


Global option for the program execution.

-o output_file (--output), -a output_file (--append), -i (--in-place): by default output to standard output
-R, --recursive, --input-filter code: expand directories, optionally filter input files
--input-encoding encoding, --output-encoding encoding: default is UTF-8
--input-separator separator, --output-separator separator: default is \n
--eol (--preserve-input-separator), --fix-final-separator
-0: set --input-separator to NUL and --output-separator to the empty string.
--00: set --output-separator to the NUL, useful with xargs -0
-h (--help), --version: remember to have perldoc installed
-d (--debug), --abort
--preserve-perl-env: keep environment across files
--safe [n]: default is 0, strictest is 2


Options for the pipeline commands coming after them. Most modes have a reverse mode to return to the default.

-I (--case-insensitive), -S (--case-sensitive): mode for any regex argument, -S is the default
-Q (--quote-regexp), -E (--end-quote-regexp): disable interpolation in any regex, string, filename or command argument, -E is the default
-V (--inverse-match), -N (--normal-match): inverse behavior of --grep and --filter
-L (--local-match), -G (--global-match): apply --substitute once per line or as much as possible (this is the default)
-C code (--comparator): for --sort, default is $a cmp $b
-F regex (--input-field-spec): how to split fields, default is \s*,\*s|\t
-P string (--output-field-spec): how to paste fields, default is a tab
--default, --bytes, --csv, --tsv, --none: set the -F and -P flags
--sq string (--single-quote-replacement), --dq string (--double-quote-replacement), --ds string (--dollar-sigil-replacement): replace the given character or string by ', ", or $ in all code arguments
--re engine, --regex-engine: use the specified regex engine (e.g. RE2, PCRE, TRE, GNU, etc.) if installed
-X (--fatal-error), --ignore-error: dies on error in --perl, -n and --filter


Variables and functions available to code arguments as well as regex, string, filename, and command ones (unless -Q has been passed).

$_: current line content (RW)
$f, $F: current file name, current absolute file name (RO)
$n: current line number (same as standard $.) (RO)
$N: number of lines in the current file (RO)
$m: marker of the current line (RW)
@m: markers for all the lines, current line is at index 0 (RW)
$I: 1-based index of the file being processed (RW)
ss start[, len[, $var]]: like substr but returns '' instead of undef.
pf format[, args...]: like $_ = sprintf format, arg...
spf format[, args...]: like sprintf


Copyright 2019-2024 Mathias Kende (

This program is distributed under the MIT (X11) License:

See more in the full documentation at