Argupedia - MSc Thesis
Argupedia aims to fix the main limitations present with current Argumentation solutions on the web. The first set of limitations are with regards to making and countering Arguments. Existing solutions do not facilitate arguments to be made in a guided manner, nor do they facilitate them to be countered in a rational and consistent manner. Argupedia solves these by using Argument Schemes to provide a set of templates to making an argument, and Critical Questions which enable Arguments to be countered in a rational and guided manner.
The second set of limitations are that existing solutions do not present the current state of the Discussion and which Arguments are winning and losing. Argupedia aims to change this by implementing Dung’s notion of grounded semantics to label the state of Discussion and determine which Arguments are IN, OUT and Undecided. Argupedia was implemented as a web application with a React front-end, Express and NodeJS back-end and MongoDB Atlas Database.