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davesnx committed Mar 1, 2024
1 parent ba4eefe commit 37253ea
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Showing 2 changed files with 63 additions and 212 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion demo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ let print_output (output : (int * int) array) =

let () =
let output = RegExp.compile "\\d" |> RegExp.exec "abc123xyz123xyz" in
let output = RegExp.make "\\d" "abc123xyz123xyz" in
print_output output
273 changes: 62 additions & 211 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,84 +1,3 @@
(* The RegExp object *)
let captures : result -> string nullable array =
fun result -> Pcre.get_opt_substrings result.substrings
let matches : result -> string array =
fun result -> Pcre.get_substrings result.substrings
let index : result -> int =
fun result ->
let substring = result.substrings in
let start_offset, _end_offset = Pcre.get_substring_ofs substring 0 in
with Not_found -> 0
let input : result -> string =
fun result -> Pcre.get_subject result.substrings
let source : t -> string = fun _ -> notImplemented "Js.Re" "source"
let fromString : string -> t =
fun str ->
let regexp = Pcre.regexp str in
{ regex = regexp; flags = []; lastIndex = 0 }
| Pcre.Error BadPartial -> raise @@ Invalid_argument "BadPartial"
| Pcre.Error (BadPattern (msg, _pos)) ->
raise @@ Invalid_argument ("BadPattern: " ^ msg)
| Pcre.Error Partial -> raise @@ Invalid_argument "Partial"
| Pcre.Error BadUTF8 -> raise @@ Invalid_argument "BadUTF8"
| Pcre.Error BadUTF8Offset -> raise @@ Invalid_argument "BadUTF8Offset"
| Pcre.Error MatchLimit -> raise @@ Invalid_argument "MatchLimit"
| Pcre.Error RecursionLimit -> raise @@ Invalid_argument "RecursionLimit"
| Pcre.Error WorkspaceSize -> raise @@ Invalid_argument "WorkspaceSize"
| Pcre.Error (InternalError msg) -> raise @@ Invalid_argument msg
let fromStringWithFlags : string -> flags:string -> t =
fun str ~flags:str_flags ->
let flags = parse_flags str_flags in
let pcre_flags = List.filter_map cflag_of_flag flags in
let regexp = Pcre.regexp ~flags:pcre_flags str in
{ regex = regexp; flags = parse_flags str_flags; lastIndex = 0 }
let flags : t -> string =
fun regexp ->
let options = Pcre.options regexp.regex in
let flags = Pcre.cflag_list options in
flags |> List.filter_map char_of_cflag |> List.to_seq |> String.of_seq
let flag : t -> flag -> bool = fun regexp flag -> List.mem flag regexp.flags
let global : t -> bool = fun regexp -> flag regexp `GLOBAL
let ignoreCase : t -> bool = fun regexp -> flag regexp `CASELESS
let multiline : t -> bool = fun regexp -> flag regexp `MULTILINE
let sticky : t -> bool = fun regexp -> flag regexp `STICKY
let unicode : t -> bool = fun regexp -> flag regexp `UNICODE
let lastIndex : t -> int = fun regex -> regex.lastIndex
let setLastIndex : t -> int -> unit =
fun regex index -> regex.lastIndex <- index
let exec_ : t -> string -> result option =
fun regexp str ->
let rex = regexp.regex in
let substrings = Pcre.exec ~rex ~pos:regexp.lastIndex str in
let _, lastIndex = Pcre.get_substring_ofs substrings 0 in
regexp.lastIndex <- lastIndex;
Some { substrings }
with Not_found -> None
let exec : string -> t -> result option = fun str rex -> exec_ rex str
let test_ : t -> string -> bool =
fun regexp str -> Pcre.pmatch ~rex:regexp.regex str

[@@@warning "-69"]

type flags = {
global : bool;
ignore_case : bool;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,6 +75,7 @@ let compile re =

(* exec is not a binding to lre_exec but an implementation of `js_regexp_exec` *)
let exec input regexp =
let { bc; _ } = regexp in
let capture_count = Libregexp.C.Functions.lre_get_capture_count bc in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,133 +115,64 @@ let exec input regexp =
| _ (* -1 *) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Error")

(* static JSValue js_regexp_exec(
JSContext *ctx,
JSValueConst this_val,
int argc,
JSValueConst *argv) {
JSRegExp *re = js_get_regexp(ctx, this_val, TRUE);
JSString *str;
JSValue str_val, obj, val, groups = JS_UNDEFINED;
uint8_t *re_bytecode;
int ret;
uint8_t **capture, *str_buf;
int capture_count, shift, i, re_flags;
int64_t last_index;
const char *group_name_ptr;
if (!re)
str_val = JS_ToString(ctx, argv[0]);
if (JS_IsException(str_val))
return str_val;
val = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex);
if (JS_IsException(val) ||
JS_ToLengthFree(ctx, &last_index, val)) {
JS_FreeValue(ctx, str_val);
re_bytecode = re->bytecode->u.str8;
re_flags = lre_get_flags(re_bytecode);
if ((re_flags & (LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL | LRE_FLAG_STICKY)) == 0) {
last_index = 0;
str = JS_VALUE_GET_STRING(str_val);
capture_count = lre_get_capture_count(re_bytecode);
capture = NULL;
if (capture_count > 0) {
capture = js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(capture[0]) * capture_count * 2);
if (!capture) {
JS_FreeValue(ctx, str_val);
shift = str->is_wide_char;
str_buf = str->u.str8;
if (last_index > str->len) {
ret = 2;
} else {
ret = lre_exec(capture, re_bytecode,
str_buf, last_index, str->len,
shift, ctx);
obj = JS_NULL;
if (ret != 1) {
if (ret >= 0) {
if (ret == 2 || (re_flags & (LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL | LRE_FLAG_STICKY))) {
if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex,
JS_NewInt32(ctx, 0)) < 0)
goto fail;
} else {
JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "out of memory in regexp execution");
goto fail;
JS_FreeValue(ctx, str_val);
} else {
int prop_flags;
if (re_flags & (LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL | LRE_FLAG_STICKY)) {
if (JS_SetProperty(ctx, this_val, JS_ATOM_lastIndex,
JS_NewInt32(ctx, (capture[1] - str_buf) >> shift)) < 0)
goto fail;
obj = JS_NewArray(ctx);
if (JS_IsException(obj))
goto fail;
prop_flags = JS_PROP_C_W_E | JS_PROP_THROW;
group_name_ptr = lre_get_groupnames(re_bytecode);
if (group_name_ptr) {
groups = JS_NewObjectProto(ctx, JS_NULL);
if (JS_IsException(groups))
goto fail;
for(i = 0; i < capture_count; i++) {
int start, end;
JSValue val;
if (capture[2 * i] == NULL ||
capture[2 * i + 1] == NULL) {
} else {
start = (capture[2 * i] - str_buf) >> shift;
end = (capture[2 * i + 1] - str_buf) >> shift;
val = js_sub_string(ctx, str, start, end);
if (JS_IsException(val))
goto fail;
if (group_name_ptr && i > 0) {
if (*group_name_ptr) {
if (JS_DefinePropertyValueStr(ctx, groups, group_name_ptr,
JS_DupValue(ctx, val),
prop_flags) < 0) {
JS_FreeValue(ctx, val);
goto fail;
group_name_ptr += strlen(group_name_ptr) + 1;
if (JS_DefinePropertyValueUint32(ctx, obj, i, val, prop_flags) < 0)
goto fail;
if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_groups,
groups, prop_flags) < 0)
goto fail;
if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_index,
JS_NewInt32(ctx, (capture[0] - str_buf) >> shift), prop_flags) < 0)
goto fail;
if (JS_DefinePropertyValue(ctx, obj, JS_ATOM_input, str_val, prop_flags) < 0)
goto fail1;
js_free(ctx, capture);
return obj;
JS_FreeValue(ctx, groups);
JS_FreeValue(ctx, str_val);
JS_FreeValue(ctx, obj);
js_free(ctx, capture);
let make regex input =
let compiled_byte_code_len = Ctypes.allocate 0 in
let size_of_error_msg = 64 in
let error_msg = Ctypes.allocate_n ~count:size_of_error_msg Ctypes.char in
let regexp_input = Ctypes.ocaml_string_start regex in
let regexp_length = String.length regex |> Unsigned.Size_t.of_int in
let flags = 0 in
let compiled_byte_code =
Libregexp.C.Functions.lre_compile compiled_byte_code_len error_msg
size_of_error_msg regexp_input regexp_length flags Ctypes.null
if Ctypes.is_null compiled_byte_code then (
let error = Ctypes.string_from_ptr ~length:64 error_msg in
print_endline error;
let capture_count =
Libregexp.C.Functions.lre_get_capture_count compiled_byte_code
Printf.printf "\ncapture_count %d\n" capture_count;
let capture = Ctypes.CArray.make Ctypes.uint8_t capture_count in
let start = Ctypes.CArray.start capture in
let start_capture = Ctypes.allocate (Ctypes.ptr Ctypes.uint8_t) start in
let matching_length = String.length input in
let _matching = Ctypes.ocaml_string_start input in
let bufp =
Ctypes.CArray.of_list Ctypes.char (input |> String.to_seq |> List.of_seq)
Printf.printf "\nbufp: ";
Ctypes.CArray.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf "%c" i) bufp;
Printf.printf "\n";
let buffer =
Ctypes.coerce (Ctypes.ptr Ctypes.char)
(Ctypes.ptr Ctypes.uint8_t)
(Ctypes.CArray.start bufp)
Printf.printf "\nmatching_length %d\n" matching_length;
let index = 0 in
(* Return 1 if match, 0 if not match or -1 if error. cindex is the
starting position of the match and must be such as 0 <= cindex <=
clen. *)
let exec_result =
Libregexp.C.Functions.lre_exec start_capture compiled_byte_code buffer
index matching_length 0 Ctypes.null
let capture_count =
Libregexp.C.Functions.lre_get_capture_count compiled_byte_code
Printf.printf "\ncapture_count %d\n" capture_count;
match exec_result with
| 1 ->
|> Ctypes.CArray.iter (fun i ->
Printf.sprintf "capture: %d" (Unsigned.UInt8.to_int i)
|> print_endline);
(* printd_intCtypes.CArray.length capture *)
| 0 ->
Printf.sprintf "nothing found" |> print_endline;
| _ (* -1 *) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Error")

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