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Refactor ReactDOM to use Html (which uses Buffers, not Printf) (#156)
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davesnx committed Aug 7, 2024
1 parent abf2afe commit c9883ab
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Showing 6 changed files with 752 additions and 675 deletions.
134 changes: 120 additions & 14 deletions packages/html/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,3 @@
(* Based on *)
(* *)
let encode s =
let buffer = Buffer.create (String.length s * 2) in
|> String.iter (function
| '&' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "&"
| '<' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "&lt;"
| '>' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "&gt;"
| '"' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "&quot;"
| '\'' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "&#x27;"
| c -> Buffer.add_char buffer c);
Buffer.contents buffer

let is_self_closing_tag = function
(* Take the list from but found to be more complete. *)
Expand All @@ -20,3 +6,123 @@ let is_self_closing_tag = function
| "link" (* | "menuitem" *) | "meta" | "param" | "source" | "track" | "wbr" ->
| _ -> false

(* This function is borrowed from *)
(* Based on *)
(* *)
let escape_and_add out str =
let add = Buffer.add_string in
let len = String.length str in
let max_index = len - 1 in
let flush out start index =
if start < len then Buffer.add_substring out str start (index - start)
let rec loop start index =
if index > max_index then flush out start index
let next = index + 1 in
match String.get str index with
| '&' ->
flush out start index;
add out "&amp;";
loop next next
| '<' ->
flush out start index;
add out "&lt;";
loop next next
| '>' ->
flush out start index;
add out "&gt;";
loop next next
| '\'' ->
flush out start index;
add out "&apos;";
loop next next
| '\"' ->
flush out start index;
add out "&quot;";
loop next next
| _ -> loop start next
loop 0 0

type attribute = string * [ `Value of string | `Present | `Omitted ]

let attribute name value : attribute = (name, `Value value)
let present name : attribute = (name, `Present)
let omitted name : attribute = (name, `Omitted)

let render_attribute out (attr : attribute) =
let write_name_value name value =
Buffer.add_char out ' ';
Buffer.add_string out name;
Buffer.add_string out "=\"";
escape_and_add out value;
Buffer.add_char out '"'
match attr with
| _name, `Omitted -> ()
| name, `Value value -> write_name_value name value
| name, `Present ->
Buffer.add_char out ' ';
Buffer.add_string out name

type element =
| Null
| String of string
| Raw of string (* text without encoding *)
| Node of {
tag : string;
attributes : attribute list;
children : element list;
| List of (string * element list)

let string txt = String txt
let raw txt = Raw txt
let null = Null
let int i = String (Int.to_string i)
let float f = String (Float.to_string f)
let list ?(separator = "") list = List (separator, list)
let node tag attributes children = Node { tag; attributes; children }

let render element =
let out = Buffer.create 1024 in
let rec write element =
match element with
| Null -> ()
| String text -> escape_and_add out text
| Raw text -> Buffer.add_string out text
| Node { tag; attributes; _ } when is_self_closing_tag tag ->
Buffer.add_char out '<';
Buffer.add_string out tag;
List.iter (render_attribute out) attributes;
Buffer.add_string out " />"
| Node { tag; attributes; children } ->
if tag = "html" then Buffer.add_string out "<!DOCTYPE html>";
Buffer.add_char out '<';
Buffer.add_string out tag;
List.iter (render_attribute out) attributes;
Buffer.add_char out '>';
List.iter write children;
Buffer.add_string out "</";
Buffer.add_string out tag;
Buffer.add_char out '>'
| List (separator, list) ->
let rec iter list =
match list with
| [] -> ()
| [ one ] -> write one
| [ first; second ] ->
write first;
Buffer.add_string out separator;
write second
| first :: rest ->
write first;
Buffer.add_string out separator;
iter rest
iter list
write element;
Buffer.contents out

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