> In order to run tests, environment variable for the application should be set as TONS_HOME
> Environment variable must point to folder where the input JSON files will be located
> For the tests, they are located inside "files" under the application folder, so TONS_HOME should look like <PATH_TO_YOUR_APPLICATION_FOLDER>/files
Mac OS X example:
edit ~/.bash_profile
add lines:
export TONS_HOME=/Users/bgvoka/dev/tons/files
source ~/.bash_profile
restart system so it should load the variable
> First a jar file must be created via "mvn clean install or mvn package" command within the application directory. (If TONS_HOME is not set, run "mvn clean install -DskipTests" to skip the tests.)
> After the jar is built, go into target/ folder
> Run the application with command "java -jar tons-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar <PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE>/<FILE_NAME>.json <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE>/<FILE_NAME>.json"
> Output file should be created on specified output path as 2nd parameter
> In tests folder, under rs/tons/AppTest.java there is testMe() method that runs the example with the json file from pdf as if it was ran from command line with specified arguments.
> In tests folder, under rs/tons/AlgorithmTest.java are the tests for the algorithm for given example with A->B...