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This repository contains the code taht has been used to train the ML downscaling models in the Destination Earth use case DE370c for air quality

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ML downscaling of EURAD-IM forecasts in Destine DE370c


In scope of the Destination Earth air quality use case (DE_370c), two Wasserstein Generative Networks (WGANs) have been trained to downscale nitrogen oxide (NOx) and ozone (O3) EURAD-IM forecasts to kilometre-scale. Training of these models have been done with archived EURAD-IM forecasts that are produced operationally at IEK-8 since 2012.
Although the accuracy of the attained models is not satisfactory due to a lack of informative predictors from the EURAD-IM forecast data, both models are published as part of this reporsitory. Furthermore, the code to preprocess the EURAD-IM data as well as to train the WGAN models is provided here. A script to run inference on the trained WGANs is also available, ready for operational deployment.
Large parts of the code base have been forked from Application 5 of the MAELSTROM project avaialable at:

Author and acknowledgment

Author: Michael Langguth (, JSC)
Contributors: In scope of the MAELSTROM project, Bing Gong and Yan Ji contributed to the code base.

Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Forschungszentrum Jülich
52425 Jülich

Software requirements

All scripts are written in Python and have been tested with Python 3.9.6. Newer Python versions are possible, but may require adaptions/updates of the following Python package versions:

  • Tensorflow 2.6.0 (GPU-support recommended)
  • numpy/1.21.3
  • pandas/1.3.4
  • xarray/0.20.1
  • dask/2021.9.1
  • netCDF4/1.5.7
  • cdo/1.6.0
  • pyproj/3.3.0
  • matplotlib/3.4.3 (for Jupyter Notebook only)
  • cartopy/0.20.0 (for Jupyter Notebook only)
  • skimage/0.18.3 (for Jupyter Notebook only)

It's recommended to provide these Python package in a virtual environment.

Note that these Python packages have further dependencies. In particular, netCDF4 requires the HDF5 C and the netCDF C library, see here for more details. CDO furthermore requires PROJ (also required by the pyproj Python-package), ecCodes and further external libraries, see here. Finally, NCO must also be available.
A list of external library versions that are known to work includes:

  • NetCDF/4.8.1
  • hdf5/1.12.1
  • CDO/2.0.2
  • ecCodes/2.22.1
  • proj/8.1.0
  • NCO/5.0.3

On the Juelich HPC-systems, the virtual environment can be conveniently created with the script env_setup/

> cd env_setup
> source <virtual_env_name>

This script will load all modules listed in env_setup/, minimizing the demand for custom installation of software.
On other HPC-systems (such as LUMI), the scripts may be adapted according to the available software module stack.

Run (operational) inference on trained models

Two trained WGANs for downscaling NOx and ozone are provided in this reporsitory. The models are saved in the trained_models/destine_final. Albeit the accuracy of these downscaling models has not reached a satisfactory level, a script for operational deployment for demonstration purposes is made available.
Inference on the trained models can be run by the script main_scripts/ This is called by:

> cd main_scripts
> python [-h] [--data_base_directory/-data_base_dir PATH_TO_DATA] [--output_base_directory/-output_base_dir PATH_TO_OUTPUT] [--model_base_directory/-model_base_dir MODEL_DIR] [--initialization_time/-init_time INIT_TIME] [--target_variable/-target_var TARGET_VAR] [--grid_resoultion/-grid_res GRID_RES] [--time_steps/-time_steps TIME_STEPS] [--with_gu/-gpu] 

The arguments denote the following:

short long default help
-h --help shows this help message and exit
-data_base_dir --data_base_directory None Top-level under which EURAD-IM simulations are stored (in sub-directories).
-output_base_dir --output_base_directory None Directory where netCDF-file with downscaling results will be saved.
-model_base_dir --model_base_directory ../trained_models/destine_final Base directory where trained models are saved.
-init_time --initialization_time None Initialization time of EURAD-IM simualtion that will be downscaled.
-grid_res --grid_resoultion 3 Grid resolution/spacing of the EURAD-IM data to downscale (options: [3, 5])
-target_var --target_variable NOx Name of the target variable to downscale (options: ["NOx", "O3"])
-time_steps --time_steps 2/25 Time steps of the EURAD-IM data to be used for downscaling.
-gpu --with_gpu Flag to run inference on GPU.

A particular example to downscale an EURAD IM forecast run from the use case may look as follows:

> cd main_scripts
> python -data_base_dir <path_to_euradim_data> -output_base_dir ../results \ 
                           -init_time 2018-07-25 -target_var NOx -grid_res 3 -time_steps 2/49

The EURAD-IM forecast data to be downscaled must be provided in a netCDF-file that is located in a subdirectory <path_to_euradim_data>/YYYYMM/DD/ where YYYYMM and DD represent the year-month and the day of the forecast run's initialization time (cf. -init_time-argument). In this particular example, a file ctmout_* must be available under <path_to_euradim_data>/201807/25.
The suffix de3 denotes the domain of the EURAD-IM simulation that is centered over Germany with a grid spacing of 3 km (cf. -grid_res-argument) as used in this use case. Additionally, EURAD-IM simulations with a grid spacing of 5 km that have been operational between 2016/11/16 and 2018/12/31 can be downscaled by parsing -grid_res 5. Note that the required CDO grid descriptions for data remapping are stored under the grid_des/-directory of this reporsitory. Other domain configurations are not supported.
As indicated by the argument -target_var, the WGAN for downscaling NOx-data will be used (parse -target_var O3 for downscaling ozone data). The downscaled data will be saved in a netCDF-file under the results/ directory as controlled by the -output_base_dir-argument. The forecast data for the time steps between 2 and 49, corresponding to lead times of one and 48 hours, respectively, will be downscaled (see -time_steps-argument).
Optionally, the inference script can be run on a GPU (if available) by adding the flag --with_gpu/-gpu.

For the JSC HPC-system JURECA, a batch script template to submit the inference job on the CPU-nodes is provided under HPC_batch_scripts. The corresponding batch-script can also be used as blueprint for job-submission on other HPC-systems (such as LUMI).

Statistical evaluation of the trained models

The Jupyter Notebook postprocess_euradim.ipynb can be used to evaluate the two WGANs for downscaling NOx and O3 data.

> cd main_scripts
> jupyter-notebook postprocess_euradim.ipynb &

The Notebook is available unde the main_scripts/-directory. Note the extended software requirements for the Jupyter Notebook kernel listed above.

Train downscaling models from scratch

The scripts and can be adapted to develop ML downscaling solutions with a more solid database, i.e. a consistent and comprehensive set of EURAD-IM hindcast simulations providing more predictor variables such as local emission information. The required adaptions are briefly outlined subsequently:

Preprocessing the EURAD-IM data

The script allows a customized configuration of the data preprocessing from archived EURAD-IM forecasts. The forecast data must be provided in netCDF-format where one file per model run providing hourly forecasts with a lead time up to 24 hours is expected. The netCDF-files must be available in monthly and daily subdirectories with the relative path YYYYMM/DD where YYYY, MM and DD represent the year, month and day of the simulation’s initial date. The following arguments are used to configure the preprocessing:

short long default help
-h --help shows this help message and exit
-predictors --predictors None Dictionary where the keys denote the name of the predictor variable in the netCDf-file and the values provide the list of model levels from which data should be used. Example: {“NO2”: [1]} would extract NO2-data at model level 1.
-predictands --predictands None like --predcitors/-predictors, but for the predictand variables
-tar_datadir --target_datadir None Top-level directory where the EURAD-IM simulations are saved. The netCDf-files must be located in monthly and daily subdirectories. Note also that coarse-grained input and high-resolved target datafiles must be available in the same directory. In case that both files are located in different directories, --input_datadir/ -in_datadir must be used additionally.
-out_dir --preproc_outdir None Top-level directory under which preprocessed data (monthly netCDF-files) will be stored.
-grid_des_tar --grid_description_target ../grid_des/ Directory where CDO grid descriptions for input and target data are available. Furthermore, a grid description for the conservative remapping step is required (coarse grid aligned with high-resolution grid)
-y --years None List of years for which data shall be preprocessed.
-m --months all List of months for which data shall be preprocessed. “all” ensures that the data for all months is preprocessed.
-down_fac --downscaling_factor 5 Downscaling factor between input and target data. Possible choices for EURAD-IM data are 3 and 5 corresponding to EURAD-IM simulations on a 5 km- and 3 km-grid, respectively.


  • Configuring the model-level for the predictor and predictand variables is not supported yet. The selected model-level is hard-coded to level 1 (see l. 196 and l.226 in
  • Log-transformation of the data as well as the residual approach require manual processing on the netCDF-files resulting from the preprocessing. Both can be realized with the help of CDO’s aexpr-operator, while the name of the modified variables should be appended with a “ln”-prefix or a “_res”-suffix. The corresponding CDO-commands may look as follows:
  • cdo aexpr,”lnNOx_in=log(NOx_in+0.01)-log(0.01)” <infile> <outfile>
    applies the log-transformation on the input NOx-data.
  • cdo aexpr,”O3_res_tar=O3_tar-O3_in” <infile> <outfile>
    calculates the resiudals of the target O3 data.

Training a new downscaling model

The following arguments are used to configure the script that will train a model from scratch:

short long default help
-conf_md --configuration_model None JSON-file to configure the model architecture and the training (e.g. number of epochs, pretraining epochs and learning rate schedule).
-conf_ds --configuration_dataset None JSON-file to configure the dataset for training. Here, the predictors and predictands are defined as exemplified in the config_ds_euradim_o3.json and config_ds_euradim_nox.json (see config-directory of the repository).
-in --input_dir None Directory where the preprocessed EURAD-IM data is located. The naming pattern for the training data files must be downscaling_euradim_* and downscaling_euradim_* for the validation data files.
-out --output_dir None Output directory where model is saved.
-model --downscaling_model None Name of the model architecture for downscaling ("sha_wgan" has been used in this use case)
-exp_name --experiment_name None Custom name for the current experiment
-js_norm --json_norm_file None JSON-file providing normalization parameters. If not provided, the parameters are derived from the training dataset.
-id --job_id None Job-id from Slurm.


This repository contains the code taht has been used to train the ML downscaling models in the Destination Earth use case DE370c for air quality






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