All tested and all working!!!
Git v1.8.4
Gearman v1.1.2 + mysql and memcache support
HaProxy v1.4.19
HaProxy v1.5_dev17
Memcached v1.4.5
MemcacheDB v1.2.1
MongoDB v2.2.2
Nginx v1.2.5 + nginx-gridfs support
Redis v2.4.2
Ssdeep v2.10
Rubby v1.9.3-p448
Rubby v2.0.0-p247
Supervisor v3.0b1
Tar v1.26
dos2unix v7.3.4
librabbitmq v0.9.1
libmemcached v1.0.15
php-pear-Text_LanguageDetect v0.3.0
php-pecl-amqp v0.3.1
php-pecl-gearman v0.8.0
php-pecl-memcached v2.1.0
php-pecl-ssdeep v1.0.2
nginx-gridfs requires the Mongo-C-Driver which is a submodule to this repository. To check out the submodule (after cloning this repository), run::
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update