Image repository Dockerhub: mlefkon/pinger , Source repository Github: mlefkon/pinger
A docker container cron job runs curl
to 'ping' your server/endpoint. An email is sent via SMTP relay if any problems occur.
- Target Server
- ENDPOINT_NAME: default: "Pinger", used for email 'subject' & logfile names about this Pinger instance
- PING_URL: required, any valid curl URL. Include 'https://' if needed as curl defaults to http.
- ALLOW_INSECURE: default: 0, allow for invalid certificate (set to '1')
- IPv6: default: 0, url is in IPv6 format (set to '1')
- EXPECTED_RESPONSE: required, expected to be found within text body returned from PING_URL
- INTERVAL_MIN: default: 5, minutes between pings
- RELIABLE_REFERENCE_PING_HOST: required, for connectivity test in case of PING_URL failure. Must be a ping-responsive host, not a URL.
is used, notcurl
, so only domain name is needed here.
- Mail Relay
- RELAY_HOST: required, format (incl sq brackets): []:port
- RELAY_USERNAME: required, user's login to relay mail host
- RELAY_PASSWORD: required
- RELAY_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS: required, should be permitted to send mails by relay host, often same as username
- Notification
- TO_EMAIL_ADDR: required, recipient of alert emails
- THRESHOLD_FAILS_FOR_EMAIL: default: 1, num of failures before an alert email is sent
- STATUS_EMAIL_DAYS default: 30, Status report email will be send every X days
At the end of each ${STATUS_EMAIL_DAYS}
time period and email will be sent with:
- Start/End Dates
- Total down time (& times of failures)
- Percent up
- Median/Average ping time
Data is saved to ${ENDPOINT_NAME}.{ping|fails|history}.log
files in /var/log/pinger/
. A docker volume can be mounted here to persist. These are CSV files with the formats:
- Pings (, has only current period. This is moved to after status report is sent.)
- Unix Timestamp
- Result (1- endpoint is up, 0- endpoint is down)
- Ping Response Time
- Summary History (~.summary.history.log)
- From Date
- To Date
- Up Time Percentage
- Median Ping Time
- Average Ping Time
- Fails (~.num.fails.log)
- Number of current fails (reset to zero after a success)
$ docker run --name mypinger -d \
-e ENDPOINT_NAME="My Pinger" \
-e PING_URL= \
-e IPv6=0 \
-e \
-e EXPECTED_RESPONSE="eg: Ping succeeded" \
-e RELAY_HOST=smtps:// \
-e \
-e \
The container should probably be run on the 'host' network, assuming the host can operate with IPv6 that the 'ping' is to outside the network. Otherwise a docker 'bridge' network will need to be used with IPv6 enabled, adding an extra layer of complexity.
Note that IPv6 addresses used with curl
should be enclosed in [square brackets] like: