An elegant and highly customizable calculator app with a beautiful neumorphic design, built using Flutter.
- Supports Dark Mode: Seamlessly switch between light and dark themes for optimal viewing comfort.
- Multiple Themes: Choose from a variety of themes to personalize your calculator and match your style.
- Customizable Buttons: Tailor individual calculator buttons to your preference for a truly unique experience.
- Font Customization: Don't like the default font? Change it easily in the settings to match your taste.
- Enhanced Calculation History: Recall your Calculations with Ease: Keep track of your calculations with a comprehensive and easily accessible history.
Head to Releases page and download the app
iOS: Due to App Store restrictions, sideloading is required, checkout Sideloadly or AltStore for more info about sideloading.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate into the project directory:
cd Neumorphic-Calculator
Install dependencies:
flutter pub get
Generate necessary files:
dart run build_runner build
Run the app:
flutter run
- Android: Supported
- iOS: Supported
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your improvements.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.
- Inspired by Ulima Inas Shabrina design, link
- Built with Flutter
For any inquiries or suggestions, please feel free to email me at