This project is an oTree re-implementation of Enrico Glerean's [embody survey software] (Enrico Glerean, Lauri Nummenmaa, Juulia Suvilehto)
- Original Software uses csv files instead of a database.
- Compataibility with Heroku. Thus easy hosting.
- oTree makes it simple to modify and extend the survey.
- unlike the original code this version does not contain any inquiry of demographic data.
- though, due to the otree framework, further questionaires are easy to add.
Following the Survey , use the to make the exported CSV from the oTree "Data" tab useable in Enrico Glerean's [Matlab code]
- [] Currently Limited to 99 Pages / Emotions
- [] Streamlining
- [] R / Python re-implementation of Matlab Code
If you use it, please cite: Nummenmaa L., Glerean E., Hari R., Hietanen, J.K. (2014) Bodily maps of emotions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America doi:10.1073/pnas.1321664111
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.