Javascript is all amount of object. Object creation is possible in different ways such as object literal, factory method, and constructor.
// object creation using factory method
function createPerson(){
return {
name: 'saiful',
age: 26,
let person = createPerson();
let person2 = createPerson();
let person3 = new Object();
let person4 = {}
// person3 and person4 carry same meaning. They both have constructor prototype referencing 'f Object()'
// object creation using constructor
function Person(){"saiful";
this.age = 26;
this.sleep = ()=>{
let person5 = new Person();
The keyword 'this' refers to a object who calls that scope of call. Those scope might be a function.
Javascript has two types of variables such as primitives and reference variables. Primitives include string, number, boolean, undefined, null, symbol and reference types include object, function, and array. By logically, function and array are both object.
function Fighter(name, age){ = name;
this.age = age;
this.action = ()=> this.punch = "5kg"
this.address = {
longitude: 10,
latitude: 20
//object creation using constructor
const fighter = new Fighter("Saiful", 26);
//iterate fighter object properties and methods
for(let key in fighter){
console.log("key: ",key, " value: ", fighter[key]);
// another way
const keys = Object.keys(fighter);
for(let key of keys){
console.log("key: ",key, " value: ", fighter[key], " typeof: ", typeof fighter[key]);
console.log('name' in fighter);
Closure is a function inside a parent function. A closure or inner function has accessed to all its local variables as well as parent function's local variables.
function Parent(){
let x=0;
function child(){
let y=0;
console.log("x: ",x," y: ",y);
Getter and Setter are methods to set and get variables.
function Fighter(){ = "Saiful";
let muscle = "bisep-trisep";
let privatePart = "---he he---"
Object.defineProperty(this, 'muscle', {
get: ()=> muscle,
set: (value)=>{
if(!value) throw new Error("invalid value");
muscle = value;
const fighter = new Fighter();
fighter.muscle = "strong";
Problem: Write a stopwatch object to be belonged start, stop, reset, and get duration.
call() is built in javascript function. It helps one object to call another object's method.
const Person = {
name: "Alice",
age: 25,
calculatedAge: function() {
return this.age;
const Fighter = {
name: "John",
age: 28
bind: it returns a new function by binding with given object.
It has 3 scope. 1. global, 2. function, 3. block