This extension will add a Build/Release task in your TFS/VSTS instance that will allow you to generate SpecFlow test execution reports. Task ships with the necessary SpecFlow executable files.
No specific requirements are present for this task to run.
The different parameters of the task are explained below:
- Test Execution Report type: Three different types of reports are supported, MsTest Execution Report, NUnit Execution Report and Step Definition Report.
- Project File: A path of the project file containing the feature files. This is a mandatory parameter.
- NUnit XML test result file: Shown only in case of NUnit Execution Report type. The XML test result file generated by nunit-console.
- NUnit test output file: Shown only in case of NUnit Execution Report type. The labelled test output file generated by nunit-console. Default vale is: TestResult.txt.
- MsTest test result (trx) file: Shown only in case of MsTest Execution Report type. The TRX test result file generated by MsTest.
- A bin folder path: Shown only in case of Step Definition Report type. A path for the compiled SpecFlow project. Default: bin\Debug.
- Xslt File: Custom XSLT file to use, defaults to built-in stylesheet if not provided.
- Output File: Generated Output File. Default: StepDefinitionReport.html and is going to be persisted in AGENT_BUILDDIRECTORY in case of a build, meanwhile in case of a release it is going to be placed in AGENT_RELEASEDIRECTORY
- 1.0.4 - Updated documentation
- 1.0.3 - Renamed the extension and the task - #1136
- 1.0.2 - Minor adjustments to the extension. No changes for the task.
- 1.0.1 - Adjusted the license terms and changed the icons
- 1.0.0 - Initial Release - Ships with SpecFlow 2.3.1
Feel free to notify any issue in the issues section of this GitHub repository. In order to build this task, you will need Node.js and gulp installed. Once cloned the repository, just run 'npm install' then 'gulp package' and in the newly created folder called _packages you will find a new version of the extension.