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WordPress theme for based on Neve (Codeinwp/neve).


Release Types

This repository uses semantic versioning, thus, quoting from

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner
  3. PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes.

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

For a pre-release we use the synonym "snapshot". Such a snapshot release has a label rc, so that the Release Candidate for version 1.2.3 would be 1.2.3-rc.4, where 4 is the next snapshot increment version.

If in doubt, choose:

  • patch for typical releases to be used on the website.
  • snapshot for releases to be used for testing purposes.

Via GitHub Actions

  1. Go to Actions.
  2. Select the Release Workflow.
  3. Click on "Run workflow".
  4. Select a release type (see above).
  5. Click on "Run workflow".
  6. Wait for the release to complete.
  7. Find the release artifact in the Releases section.

This artifact can be downloaded as is and uploaded to the WordPress site.


Assume, you have no tooling, no Linux at hand, there is always a completely manual way to create a ZIP suitable for uploading it to the WordPress site.

  1. Copy the files located in src/ to a new directory named gest-hh-neve-child.

  2. Add required theme metadata to style.css in the header section. Best, compare it to previous versions and just increase the version number. Here is a sample, that may be used:

    Theme Name:  GEST (Neve)
    Theme URI:
    Template:    neve
    Author:      GEST Hamburg
    Author URI:
    Description: Child theme for the Neve providing adaptations for the website
    License:     GNU General Public License v3 or later
    License URI:
    Text Domain: neve
    Tags:        blog,custom-logo,e-commerce,rtl-language-support,post-formats,grid-layout,one-column,two-columns,custom-background,custom-colors,custom-header,custom-menu,featured-image-header,featured-images,flexible-header,full-width-template,sticky-post,theme-options,threaded-comments,translation-ready,accessibility-ready,hide-blocks,block-styles
    Version:     1.4.1
  3. Create a ZIP archive of the directory gest-hh-neve-child and name it


  1. Go to the WordPress site
  2. Log in as administrator.
  3. Go to the admin dashboard.
  4. Go to "Design" -> "Themes".
  5. Click on "Add New" (de: "Neues Theme hinzufügen").
  6. Click on "Upload Theme" (de: "Theme hochladen").
  7. Select the ZIP archive
  8. Click on "Install Now" (de: "Jetzt installieren").
  9. Confirm to override the previous version.
  10. Wait for the installation to complete.
  11. Click on "Activate" (de: "Aktivieren").
  12. Done.