BESCHREIBUNG: Im Mod »hilfe« findet man die wichtigsten Tastaturbefehle, Blöcke und Funktionen von Minetest/Luanti erklärt. Aufruf im Chat mit /hilfe oder über das Inventar (Fragezeichen-Icon – falls »unified_inventory« installiert ist). Der Hilfetext kann leicht in der init.lua-Datei den eigenen Bedürfnissen angepasst werden.
DESCRIPTION: This mod helps beginners to understand Minetest/Luanti (currently only in German language).
USE: Open it via chat with /hilfe or look for the question mark in the inventory (if »unified_inventory« is installed). You can change easily the help text in the init.lua file.
DEPENDS: This mod requires no other mods to work correctly. Optional dependencies are »unified_inventory« and »inventory_plus«.
Author: This mod was made by Norbert Thien, multimediamobil – Region Süd (mmmsued), 2025
Code: Except otherwise specified, all code in this project is licensed as LGPLv3.
Media: Except otherwise specified, all media and any other content in this project which is not source code is licensed as CC BY SA 3.0.