I created a blockchain app using python. There are three main dataclasses I wrote for this app. Record, Block and Pychain. I used sha256 from Hashlib library to create the hashes for the pychain. The default difficulty for the proof of work function can be adjusted by a slider on the streamlit app. The pychain ledger will be printed as a dataframe object on the app.
To test the app, clone this repo to a direcotory in your local machine. Then follow the following steps.
Using terminal, get into the blockhain directory:
cd blockchain
If you have streamlit installed. Run the app on your terminal:
streamlit run pychain.py
Otherwise install streamlit using pip install streamlit
and then run the pychain.py
To interact with the pychain ledger, provide input values for sender
, receiver
and amount
Once you get the app running, it should look like this: