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Repository files navigation backend API


This is the backend API for This works in unison with the standalone frontend to fully implement the website's features.

Local development

This project is written in PHP with Laravel 10.

To run this locally, you should use Laravel Sail and Composer.

If you're using VS Code, you might want to use the included dev container. You should be prompted automatically by VS Code to relaunch the project in the provided dev container.


  • Docker
  • PHP 8.2 locally
  • Composer 2 or later
  • Linux (including via WSL)

Installing dependencies

composer update -W

This will install all the required PHP dependencies for the project.

Environment setup

Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

alias sail='[ -f sail ] && sh sail || sh vendor/bin/sail'

Then, run source ~/.bashrc to update your active terminal instance.

Laravel environment

Make a copy of .env.example named .env.

By default, the app will run at This is a publicly available domain which resolves to localhost (

You can change this by altering the .env key-value pairs APP_URL and SESSION_DOMAIN.

By default, this .env file will have an empty app key. You should never share this app key as it is used to generate a secret used for encryption within your Laravel app. When you launch the Sail containers, you will be prompted to generate an app key.

Running the API

Now, simply tell Sail to boot all the containers.

sail up -d

This might take several minutes depending on your device and internet speed. It will pull many Docker images and install various OS dependencies within its Docker containers needed to run the app.

The majority of this is a one-time process. Subsequent runs will take only a matter of seconds to start.

Once you are told that all containers are started, navigate to You will be prompted with an error page, with an option to generate an app key. Click this, and your setup is complete.


The one remaining step is to run all migrations. This sets up the database structure as required.

sail artisan migrate

Database seeding

The app contains some basic sample data which you can fill the database with. This contains various devices, modems and combo sets.

This provides some basic data to test the API with.

sail artisan db:seed

Run tests

The API includes various basic tests, with more being added throughout development.

You can use sail to run these, provided the Docker containers are running.

sail up -d
sail artisan db:reset
sail artisan migrate

sail artisan test

Using the API

The API is available under the v1 suffix, in order to allow for future breaking changes, and backwards compatibility.

The API complies with the JSON:API standard, exposing models as resources, and using the filter, sort and include query parameters.

For example, to list all devices, including their modems, you can perform a GET request against /v1/api/devices?include=modem&sort=-releaseDate.


The Laravel backend for




