oclif plugin for creating, building, and managing Titanium Native mobile apps
$ npm install -g oclif-plugin-titanium
$ mobile COMMAND
running command...
$ mobile (-v|--version|version)
oclif-plugin-titanium/0.0.10 darwin-x64 node-v10.16.0
$ mobile --help [COMMAND]
$ mobile COMMAND
Create a shiny new mobile application
$ mobile app:create [NAME] [TEMPLATE]
NAME Name of your project
TEMPLATE Template to use for creating your new app
-c, --copyright=copyright Copyright for your project
-d, --description=description Description for your project
-i, --id=id [default: Generate from project name] ID for your project
-l, --license=license Specifies the license for the project
-n, --name=name Name of your project
-p, --path=path Specifies the directory where you want to initialize the project
-p, --publisher=publisher Name of person/company publishing app
-t, --template=template [default: @titanium/template-alloy-default] Template to use for creating your new
-u, --url=url URL for your project
--author_email=author_email Specifies the email address of the Author
--author_name=author_name Specifies the full name of the Author
--author_url=author_url Specifies the URL for the Author
--github_username=github_username Specifies the github username for the project
Create a new mobile app from a template using all sorts of nifty options!
Tool will create an app using values from parameters or from the user config file which is located here:
Future versions of the tool will allow setting config values from CLI.
Create app from template in npm package
mobile app:create my-app-name [@scope/]<name>
mobile app:create my-app-name [@scope/]<name>@<tag>
mobile app:create my-app-name [@scope/]<name>@<version>
mobile app:create my-app-name [@scope/]<name>@<version range>
Create app from template in git repo
mobile app:create my-app-name <git-host>:<git-user>/<repo-name>
mobile app:create my-app-name <git-host>:<git-user>/<repo-name>#<tag>
mobile app:create my-app-name <git-host>:<git-user>/<repo-name>#<branch>
mobile app:create my-app-name <git repo url>
(where <git-host> can be: github, bitbucket, or gitlab)
Create app from template in tarball
mobile app:create my-app-name <tarball file>
mobile app:create my-app-name <tarball url>
Create app from template in local directory
mobile app:create my-app-name <folder>
See code: src/commands/app/create.js