- 42 Core Curriculum - Level 4
- Level 4 in the Holy Graph
- Passed with 105% (including 1 bonus : managing wall collisions) on 2nd Jan 2023.
- It was a team project completed with the best teammate I could hope for : https://github.com/facinetm14
Clone the repository in your terminal and create a folder named cub3D (or the name you prefer):
git clone https://github.com/mochan42/cub3d.git cub3D
Enter into the directory cub3D
(or type in the name of the folder you created):
cd cub3D
Run the Makefile:
The arguments that the cub3D program is the path to the map and textures file (.cub file) to load the program.
Maps are stored in the folder maps
To run the program :
./cub3D ./maps/test01_valid.cub