AlexisHR does not provide any resonable way of adding the away calendar to an external calendar service. Eg Google Calendar.
This is a Cloudflare Worker that syncs Away events (people on vacation and such) from Alexis API into a KV store. The KV store can then be used to generate ical files delivered through HTTP which enables import of the calendar to 3ed party applications.
- Ensure you have a Cloudflare account
- Retrieve a Alexis API key (the admin section of alexishr)
git clone
## Dev
npx wrangler dev --test-scheduled
## Publish
npx wrangler deploy
## Calendar events are synced from Alexis every 60min
## Calendar for all employees can be retrieved on
## https://your-domain.tld?api-key=the-key
## Calendar for employees in specific department
## https://your-domain.tld?api-key=the-key&departments=Developers,Sales