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RSpec runner for Neovim. Written in Lua.


When spec passed:


When spec failed:



  • Asynchronous rspec execution. Does not block your editing
  • Various rspec execution commands (inspired by test.vim)
  • Smart selection of rspec command and execution path
  • Automatically add failed examples to the quickfix list
  • Quickly view last results with floating window
  • Jump from product code file to spec file (or vice versa)


  • Neovim >= 0.8.0
  • RSpec >= 3.9.0



use { "mogulla3/rspec.nvim" }


Plug "mogulla3/rspec.nvim"



When using the default settings:


Or if you want to change some settings:

  -- File format to allow rspec to run
  allowed_file_format = function(filename)
    return vim.endswith(filename, "_spec.rb")

  -- RSpec formatter. "progress", "p", "documentation" and "d" can be specified.
  -- If none of the above, use "progress".
  formatter = "progress",

  -- Whether or not to focus on a window when `ShowLastSpecResult` command executed.
  focus_on_last_spec_result_window = true,

  -- Whether or not to open the quickfix window when the spec fails.
  open_quickfix_when_spec_failed = true,

  -- File path to save the last spec result.
  last_result_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/" .. "rspec_last_result",

  -- File path to save the last failed spec result.
  last_failed_result_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/" .. "rspec_last_failed_result",

  -- Command to open the file to jump to.
  -- Examples of other alternatives: vsplit, split, tabedit
  jump_command = "edit",

  -- Directories to ignore when jumping with the RSpecJump command
  -- For example, suppose you want to jump from "src/foo/bar.rb" to "spec/foo/bar_spec.rb".
  -- However, rspec.nvim would by default try to find "spec/src/foo/bar_spec.rb" and return an error saying it cannot be found.
  -- In this case, you would want to treat the "src/" directory as equivalent to the "app/" in Rails or the "lib/" directory in a gem.
  -- So you can specify the following for the ignored_dirs_on_jump option, which will give you the expected jumps.
  -- ```
  -- ignored_dirs_on_jump = { "src" }
  -- ```
  ignored_dirs_on_jump = {},


Then, you can use the following commands.

Command Description
:RSpecCurrentFile Run rspec on the current file.
:RSpecNearest Run rspec on the example nearest to the cursor position.
:RSpecRerun Rerun rspec with the last command.
:RSpecOnlyFailures Run rspec on the current file with --only-failures option. 1
:RSpecShowLastResult Show last spec result on floating window.
:RSpecAbort Abort running rspec.
:RSpecJump, :RSpecJump! Jump from product code file to spec file (or vice versa). With !, if the file to jump to does not exist, attempt to create and then jump to it.

Below is the recommended key mappings.

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rn", ":RSpecNearest<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rf", ":RSpecCurrentFile<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rr", ":RSpecRerun<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rF", ":RSpecOnlyFailures<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rs", ":RSpecShowLastResult<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })

And below is the recommended user command.

local rspec = require("rspec")

-- This is a shortcut command for the RSpecJump and RSpecJump!.
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('RJ', function(args)
  rspec.jump({ force = args.bang })
end, { bang = true })

Smart selection of rspec command and execution path

rspec command

rspec.nvim selects rspec commands to run in the following order.

  1. bin/rspec
  2. bundle exec rspec
  3. rspec

Search the parent directory from the current directory and determine if bin/rspec or Gemfile exists.

Assuming the development of Rails applications or the use of Bundler, the order of priority is considered the most natural.

execution path

If bin/rspec or bundle exec rspec is selected, the current directory is automatically moved and then rspec is run.

  • bin/rspec : Go to a directory in the same hierarchy as the bin/.
  • bundle exec rspec : Go to the directory where Gemfile is located

So you can run rspec from neovim even if your current directory is somewhere deep.

Asynchronous rspec execution

rspec.nvim runs rspec asynchronously, so it doesn't block your editing.



  1. Note that the example_status_persistence_file_path setting in spec_helper.rb must be enabled beforehand.