Basically, FH-remote-install will automate, for every feedhandler project in the active workspace the following:
- Compilation in test server
- Copy production instance of the feedhanler based on the choise of the user
- Upgarde the dev compiled version using the automatic steps of Quantflow
sshpass is required to use this extension.
Once the plugin installed, you need to check if default setting are good. (Cltr+,)
Open Command Patette (Cltr+Shift+P): and tape "Configure Remote Install"
If every thing is going well, you will see the following info message:
Check that in every project in the active workspace there is a new file created : .vscode/tasks.json
Now if you tape Terminal->Run Build Task(Cltr+Alt+B),you will see diffrents build for every project.
If we click on cme_mdp3, thebuild is lauched as follow and thecompilation began:
Once the compilation is done, A new list of production server is displayed,
In this demo, we choose the instance CME_CBOT_FUTURES_HW_SPEC:aurcme-fh101102
A copy of the production instance is installed on the rnd server.
Now steps of automatic Quantflow will be applied.