Zahi is a Hugo theme designed to primarily support Arabic content with a simple and clean user interface.
- 🚀 Outstanding Performance: Zahi excels in high performance and fast loading speed.
- 💡 Table of Contents: Provides an organized table of contents for easy content navigation.
- 📌 Featured Articles: Allows pinning important articles for prominent visibility.
- 🔖 Tags: Enables easy content categorization using tags.
- 💬 Disqus Support: Facilitates interaction with readers through Disqus comments section.
- 📄 Pagination Feature: Allows dividing content into separate pages for smoother navigation.
- 🎨 Syntax Highlighting: Highlights and makes code more readable and clear.
- 📱 Responsive Design: Displays well on all screen sizes for a consistent user experience.
- 🌓 Dark and Light Modes: Offers users the choice between dark and light mode for a comfortable reading experience.
You can view a live demo of the Zahi Hugo Theme here.
To start the development environment:
- Start Hugo Server:
hugo server
Start Tailwind CSS Watcher:
npx tailwindcss -i ./static/css/style.css -o ./static/css/output.css --watch