All widgets scuh as TextView, Button, CheckBox and etc with custom font and also some usefull widgets such as PersianDatePicker for persian language.
Add this to your project
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.mohammadaminha:Widgets_Package:V1'
First of all you should initilize the static parameters with this code, run this code inside of your onCreate Application class:
new Util("font_address",applicationContext);
1_ JustifiedTextView 2_ AutoScrollViewPager 3_ Persian date picker dialog and Persian time picker dialog 4_ ExpendableLayout 5_ ImageViewZoom 6_ particleview 7_ Button 8_ CardView with default padding, margin and default direction (RTL) 9_ CheckBox 10_ Coordinator with default direction (RTL) 11_ cToast you can use it for your toasts in your application with your custom font 12_ CurrencyEditText for example 1,200 13_ EditText 14_ GridSpacingItemDecoration 15_ RadioButton 16_ Switch 17_ TextInputLayout 18_ TextView 19_ ToolbarCustomizer this class has a static method, when you use this method it will add homebuttons clicks and navigation clicks
I made some usefull methods in repository, I think the name of these styles are easy If you want that your textview has:
You can just use this style
For white color:
The compelete name style is TextViewGravityDirectionCenterBlack
Let me know with your commits if you need something new in this repository and also you can email
Enjoy coding ;)