- Introduction
- Technical Features
- Directory Layout
- Getting Started
- Building a Service
- Installation
- Configuration
- Usage
- Tests
- Documents
It's a Service-Based Facebook bot that can be developed easily.
You just need to add your own service and it will be discovered (Build a Service).
Here are additional Key Technical Features implemented into this project.
- Repository Pattern : Implemented a single integrated DAO API that is exposed to serve the different purpose of operating on data.
- Service Discovery Pattern and Being Service-Based : This Bot is based on a variety of Services that is Implemented in this platform by default ( e.g. Register, Weather). Also developer can add Any Services with minimum effort by just Adding the config and their service-plugin into the Service section.
- Caching Data : For performance purposes, I used Redis to cache the data it became more faster with caching methods ( From 100ms to 4ms On my Personal System )
- Automatic Database Configuration Selection : You can select your own Database you just need to change the DATABASE variable in .env and you're good to go!
├── config # Configurations
├── constants # Constant Variables
├── controllers # Router Controllers
├── repository # DAO Repository
├── middlewares # Express middlewares
├── databases # Database Core
| |── mongodb # Mongoose for MongoDB
| |── postgresql # Sequelize for Postgresql
| └── redis # Redis Client for Caching
├── router # Routes and Router
| |──conversation # Facebook Webhooks routes
| └── message # Messages routes
├── requests # Third party libraries/services
├── services # Service Discovery and Services
| |── user # User Service
| |── weather # Weather Service
| └── example # An Example Service to be added by you
├── tests # Tests
└── utils # Utility and Handy Functions
To get the project running first start to clone the project and then follow the instructions :
- install the requirements (Installation)
- Configure the project (Configuration)
- Integrate and Develop any Services you need* (Building a Service)
- Run the Project (Usage)
- For any more information about End-Points Checkout here* (Documents)
*Optional Instruction
You can build a service following by these steps:
On this example we are just saying a
to aRegistred
- Create a folder in
in theroot
of the project (e.g.example-service
) - Create your services in each seperate file (e.g.
) we will call itsubservice.js
for the sake of example andsubservice.js
and import your library and write ur services like below :
Sub-Service function params
user,// instance of "User" model in database models
message,// message sent by user
quick_response,//response of quick reply sent by user (is "null" if doesn't exist)
routes,//routes that defined in the sub-service export array
returnToManager//returns to Service Manager for further processes
//Process the message & quick_response
//Update user state to be proceed [Required to be Proceed]
//Call the returnToManager to get back to Service Manager Immidiately
const { User } = require("../../repository");
const {
messenger: { sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping },
//Add your request to third-party services here like -> example: { exampleRequest }
} = require("../../requests");
async function sayHello(user, message, quick_response, routes, returnToManager) {
const userRepository = new User(user);
try {
// make your calls to the requests here like -> await exampleRequest();
await sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping(user.sender_id, "Hello!");
await userRepository.updateState(routes.next); // Update the user state and set it the next route so the user can proceed.
} catch (error) {
//Error of the messenger and Databases
async function sayBye(user, message, quick_response, routes, returnToManager) {
const userRepository = new User(user);
try {
// make your calls to the requests here like -> await exampleRequest();
await sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping(user.sender_id, "Where do you live?");
await userRepository.updateState(routes.next); // Update the user state and set it the next route so the user can proceed.
} catch (error) {
//Error of the messenger and Databases
- Export your Sub-Services at the end of the file in this format:
module.exports = Array(
title: String, //Title of your Service
route: String, //Current route of the sub-service ( attention: it should not conflict with other routes of other service and sub-services; For best practice you can follow this pattern for your routes -> /SERVICE_NAME/SUB_SERVICE_FUNCTION_NAME)
routes: {
previous: String,
next: String,
//Add other routes if you need one here ( an empty string means that it will get "automatically" processed if he's registred then will get to the main menu otherwise it will go to the Registration process )
service: askCity,
hidden: false, //To be hide or not in the Main Menu
//Add other sub-services if needed here
- The final
would be like this:
const { User } = require("../../repository");
const {
messenger: { sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping },
//Add your request to third-party services here like -> example: { exampleRequest }
} = require("../../requests");
async function sayHello(user, message, quick_response, routes, returnToManager) {
const userRepository = new User(user);
try {
// make your calls to the requests here like -> await exampleRequest();
await sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping(user.sender_id, "Hello!");
await userRepository.updateState(routes.next); // Update the user state and set it the next route so the user can proceed.
} catch (error) {
//Error of the messenger and Databases
async function sayBye(user, message, quick_response, routes, returnToManager) {
const userRepository = new User(user);
try {
// make your calls to the requests here like -> await exampleRequest();
await sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping(user.sender_id, "Where do you live?");
await userRepository.updateState(routes.next); // Update the user state and set it the next route so the user can proceed.
} catch (error) {
//Error of the messenger and Databases
module.exports = [
title: "Say Hello and Bye",
route: "/weather/sayHello",
routes: {
previous: "",
next: "/weather/sayBye",
service: sayHello,
hidden: false,
title: "",
route: "/weather/sayBye",
routes: {
previous: "/weather/sayHello",
next: "",
service: sayBye,
hidden: true,
- Then create a
file in root of your service directory and require and export all of your subservices in an Array:
// require('./subservice1'),
// require('./subservice2')
- Install required packages
npm i
- Copy and modify .env file for Environment Variables
cp .env.example .env
- Configuration Table in
File :
- Messenger Configurations
Configuration Key | Title | Description |
Verification token | Messenger bot settings on Facebook when Verifying URL callback |
Access token | Messenger bot settings on Facebook when Generating Access Token |
- Database Configurations
Configuration Key / Category | Title | Description |
General | - | - |
Database Type | You can select either MONGODB or POSTGRESQL but anything else would endup on MONGODB |
Postgresql | - | - |
Database Name | The database you are connecting to |
Database Host | The IP or name of the host that database is on it |
Database Port | Database Port |
Database Username | Database Username |
Database Password | Database Password |
Postgresql Test Environment | - | - |
Database Name | The database you are connecting to |
Database Host | The IP or name of the host that database is on it |
Database Port | Database Port |
Database Username | Database Username |
Database Password | Database Password |
MongoDB | - | - |
Database Name | The database you are connecting to |
Database Host | The IP or name of the host that database is on it |
Database Port | Database Port |
Database Username | Database Username |
Database Password | Database Password |
MongoDB Test Environment | - | - |
Database Name | The database you are connecting to |
Database Host | The IP or name of the host that database is on it |
Database Port | Database Port |
Database Username | Database Username |
Database Password | Database Password |
Redis | - | - |
Database Name | The database you are connecting to |
Database Host | The IP or name of the host that database is on it |
Database Port | Database Port |
Database Username | Database Username |
Database Password | Database Password |
Redis Test Environment | - | - |
Database Name | The database you are connecting to |
Database Host | The IP or name of the host that database is on it |
Database Port | Database Port |
Database Username | Database Username |
Database Password | Database Password |
- Router Configurations
Configuration Key / Category | Title | Description |
Weather | - | - |
Listen Port | Port that router will listen on |
- Service Configurations
Configuration Key / Category | Title | Description |
Weather | - | - |
API Key | API Key of the "Weather" Service |
Service1 | - | - |
API Key | API Key of the "Service1" Service |
Example variable | Example variable of the "Service1" Service |
- Run the project
npm start
- For the development purposes
npm i -g nodemon
npm run dev
- For the deployment purposes
docker-compose up -d
- Run the tests
npm test
- For coverage run
npm run coverage
- For generate and serve documents
npm run doc